View Full Version : emetophobia and norovirus!

19-10-12, 19:35
I suppose I'm just looking for a little reassurance that I'm not the only one feeling like this. I have severe emetophobia (fear of vomit and vomiting) and as my anxiety has increased the past few weeks I've become obssesive. If someone in my flat feels sick I will ask them repeatedly if they're okay. I convince myself almost everyday that I'm going to vomit and become ill and it's driving me insane. My partner keeps telling me that I need to accept the fact that one day I might get ill but I'd genuinely rather die than have a stomach bug. I'm terrified
I know it's stomach bug season at the moment and I'm petrified to leave the house, I'm convinced that I'm inhaling germs.
I know I should bring this up with my CPN but in a way I don't want to get better with it because it's irrational. I know I'm safe if I avoid ill people and don't touch things in public or go out, so why would I want to stop that?!
I just don't see a way to stop thinking like this...

19-10-12, 21:57
I'm the same, as you say thus time of the year is worse. I don't go out due to agoraphobia but I worry about the germs my partner might be bringing back. I'm constantly washing my hands and cleaning surfaces. I would speak to your CPN about it, I mentioned it to mine but she didn't seem that interested.

19-10-12, 23:00
I am totally phobic about that virus! I hate it!!!!

20-10-12, 01:13
I cant even bear the thought of it. I know I'm pretty much safe because I don't go anywhere, but I worry about other people bringing it in. Even when the CPN visits. :/
I think I will bring it up when I see her next week.
I just worry because I know at some point in my life I will get ill and that's the most terrifying thought I can imagine

20-10-12, 01:19
When things get this bad that you won't even leave home then you do need professional help/therapy/counselling.

Please talk to your doctors about getting help as this is not good for your general well being worrying so much over something that probably will never happen.