View Full Version : that "stuck" feeling?!?!

09-08-06, 14:05
Hi just needed to ask if anyone has experienced this...lately i have had chest and more recentley throat tightness...now when i eat food and swallow it seems to get "stuck" in my upper chest and the feeling lasts ages...is this me constricting and tensing my muscles in upper chest throat area.. i dont think its the same as "lump in the throat" feeling?!
thanks everyone

09-08-06, 14:23
sounds like the throat thing and lump which makes things almost stick in my throat when it is passing

is that the same


09-08-06, 14:37
Hi my Dad had this and it turned out to be acid from his stomach. I think its called acid reflux. Try some antacids they may help.
love Helen

09-08-06, 15:40
Hi, i get this alot, scares the living hell out of me when it happens and then i just try to reasure myself that it's just anxiety.

Hope this helps


09-08-06, 15:48
Sounds Like indigestion / heart burn.

Try slowing down when you eat and chewing a bit more!!!

Hay x

09-08-06, 18:34
thanks everyone..i think hayles you are right i need to slow my eating down..thing is i try to eat as fast as i can...a habit since starting with this panic thing, when i lost my appetite i knew i had to eat but didnt want to , so i used to shuvel it in to get it over with!!

09-08-06, 21:42

I get this too,especially when im shovelling food in as you say,trying just to finish a meal
Sounds lke another anxiety symptom.Your muscles will be tense in those areas too,especially if your trying hard to eat,if you know what i mean?
Hunny x

11-08-06, 12:02
hi there. i can totally understand the 'shovelling food in' comment. You just want to get meals over and done with asap. My partner pointed out how i sit when i eat and it was shoulders forward and kind of stooped over the plate. When i sat up and put my shoulders back i can feel a 'small' difference. Not much to go on but if even a small difference can be worth a huge amount. Give it a go.

11-08-06, 15:06
i had this at the beggining of the year and it was roundabout the same time my anxiety began. at first it was put down to my anxiety, but then my gp thought i had acid reflux.
i have since been on medication for this and must say although the feeling of something being stuck and the lump in my throat is still there, its no where near as bad as it was. maybe being on meds has took the paranoia away alittle as well who knows.
do u get a burning sometimes in the back of your throat?
maybe its just worth mentioning to your gp. i would, if for nothing else just for some peace of mind.

good luck