View Full Version : 5 year relationship over, how to cope with anxiety?

19-10-12, 21:32
The woman I loved left me for another guy, no idea how to even start to deal with the anxiety.

She had mental problems of her own and I guess the difference between us is that she was so far in denial it was funny. Either way I thought our relationship would end but it's still hard. My depression has improved slightly but my anxiety has increased - tried diazepam etc. Called the cmht - no use there as Im still housebound.

Not really sure what to do. Im trying to eat but its hard.

19-10-12, 21:55
Sorry to hear this. Relationships ending are always hard, but particularly when you already have anxiety. Do you have people nearby who can visit? I know it sounds cliché, but it will get easier and try to see this time as a chance to work on your anxiety.

20-10-12, 07:27
If you can't eat very much, make sure you drink plenty of water and try smoothies from the supermarket.

Getting over a broken relationship takes time, there is no quick fix.

Because you are housebound at the moment, why not join No Panic.org there is a £12 joining fee, they offer 1 to 1 telephone counselling, or you can join the telephone recovery group, which is a group phone conference call with a mediator, you discuss your anxiety/depression symptoms and try to find a way forward.

20-10-12, 12:56
I think the only choice I have is to be an inpatient for a while. I have no mental energy left and am having very violent thoughts.

20-10-12, 16:03
I feel so depressed, my whole future seems gone. I know people say it will get better but I don't have the energy for it. I don't have an option to move out somewhere else so I am left with constant reminders of everything.

I want to cut my own penis off because it reminds me of good times, my mind is falling apart.

20-10-12, 18:05
Many Many worse things will happen in your life. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Why not see the positive in this and use it to develop your coping skills. People come and go all the time, some pass away, some move on. If you really loved this girl you should be happy that she has found happiness elsewhere. I feel this could be a lot of self pity that is the problem. Anxiety is generally about you, it is very selfish and knows no bounds. See this as an opportunity rather than the end. Sometimes we need a turning point in our lives to force change and cause us to make improvements in ourselves. This is your time to shine. Use it.

A new you is round the corner.


20-10-12, 18:46
It's a little more complicated than that but **** it, time to bring the nitrogen tank out of hiding.

21-10-12, 13:23
How are you feeling today?

Try to eat if you haven't already, just little bits like some cereal or toast. I know everyone has said this but time really is the best healer, it won't go away quickly but it will get better and it's gonna be ok even though right now it doesn't seem like it.

You never know what's round the corner, it doesn't mean your future is gone because eventually after you've stopped hurting you can build a different future.

Hope you're ok. x

24-10-12, 11:41
Similar situation here. Also struggling to eat. Try soups or smoothies - they're easy to eat, you're getting some nutrition and also some hot soup can be comforting when you feel this low. Do you have a particular TV show or films that make you feel good? Whack them on and try and distract yourself. Maybe write a list of the reasons the relationship wasn't going to work anyway. Try not to romanticise and tell yourself things were better than they were. You will meet someone else. This is a time for change. Look at what you would like to be different in your life. Use this as a chance for positive improvement in your life. At the same time, be kind to yourself and give yourself the love and time that you need to feel better.
