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20-10-12, 09:55
So for the last few days I have had a bad sore throat. Then this morning I have woken up and it feels like the back of my throat is swollen inside. I'm really freaking out that my throat will close up or something?? xx

20-10-12, 10:05
Proberly a cold lots going round x

20-10-12, 10:11
Yeah I know its probably a cold but has any one else had the feeling of it swollen and like hanging down at the back? x

20-10-12, 10:17
Yes I have had this so many times, once you become self aware it drives you nuts, drink lots of warm drinks, take some paracetamol. Sometimes you actually agrivate it by over swallowing and focusing on it xx

20-10-12, 10:23
Thanks for replying guys by the way.
Thats helped me calm down a little bit, I have to confess I have rung seadoc though. Probably over reacting but I can't stop thinking about it! xx

20-10-12, 10:45
I had the same problem last week, mines spread down to my armpits collarbone and shoulder! I had a cold the week before so I just think it is a part of that, I was majorly panicking (you can see my posts on here somewhere) but I am fine now!

20-10-12, 11:20
Thanks for replying. Just got of the phone with seadoc, she said she thinks its just a sore throat but if it gets worse to ring back. Doesn't stop me from panicking though :-(