View Full Version : Anxiety and it's affects

20-10-12, 11:00
I know many of you are aware of these but I thought I'd make a list of things that anxiety can create in terms of physical complaints. I've had a lot of these, I'm sure many of you you can relate.
Anxiety creates muscle tension in the body as a result of the 'flight or fight response' and it's muscle tension that affects our bodies from head to toe:-

1. Headaches
2. Random pains behind an eye or both eyes.
3. Jaw pain (TMJ - grinding teeth)
4. Tight throat ('Globus Hystericus' - feeling like your throat will close)
5. Chest Pain/tight chest
6. Shortness of breath
7. Stomach cramps/nausea/acid indigestion
8. IBS symptoms, diarrhea/constipation
9. Tense/painful abdomen
10. Lower back pain
11. Bladder discomfort/pain
11. Frequent urination/hesitant urination
12. Tense pelvic floor/pelvic floor dysfunction/pain
13. Erectile dysfunction
14. Twitching muscles and muscle cramps.

There are no doubt more and this list is not meant to scare anyone but it is meant to reassure people that these can all be the result of anxiety and tense muscles and NOT necessarily because of a horrible disease. We 'think' we have a disease, which creates fear, which then keeps feeding the anxiety and the muscle tension.

20-10-12, 11:25
The only one I dont get is erectile dysfunction :whistles:

20-10-12, 11:30
hi, i get 9 of these blooming horrible stmptoms, its suprising how the symptoms make you feel :huh:

20-10-12, 14:48
Muscle twitching and jaw grinding are my worst at the minute

20-10-12, 15:34
Get all these! apart from number 13, I'm female lol. Seriously hard to believe they can all be caused by anxiety.

20-10-12, 16:43
and there are more.:ohmy: