View Full Version : might be losing my job

expecto patronum
09-08-06, 14:38
I got called into my bosses office yesterday and told that I am being given until the end of next week to improve my performance, both with my work and in terms of being less shy and more 'part of the team' and if I don't I will lose my job. They went on about mistakes i'd made in my work, how i didn't fit in etc, for about 20 minutes and I couldn't stick up for myself because a) I know I haven't being doing the job very well and b) i knew i'd start crying if i had to talk and tell them why i haven't being doing it very well (not that they'd understand anyway). It especially got to me that they kept referring to how I'd been completely different at my interview, because that was literally just before I started getting the dizziness, when I was still really happy (it was partly worrying about something going wrong before starting my new job that brought this on) so I'm really nostalgic for that time and noone wishes more than me that I was the same as I was at my interview!!

09-08-06, 15:17
I think your bosses are being really harsh on you, and you may want to check you rights before they start threatening you.

Maybe you could speak to soemone in HR or something about how you feel and that you are suffering from anxiety.

I really think you should explain whats happening, so what if you cry, they may be more understanding then you think.

Good Luck xx

Hay x

expecto patronum
09-08-06, 15:40
maybe i should, but i'm not sure what my rights are cos i was never given a contract so they can just sack me.

marie ross
09-08-06, 15:44
Hi Rossie,

Like Hayles said, would you be able to talk to someone and tell them how you are feeling???

You never know it might be a big weight of your shoulders and you might feel a lot better for it and get a bit of help from your work colleagues.

They do sound very harsh, and in my view you can't sack someone just because your're shy - thats rubbish. Check your rights if i were you - are you on a probation period???

Take care.

Marie XXX

expecto patronum
09-08-06, 16:54
I'm wasn't meant to be on a probation period, but I never got my contract and I never got motivated to chase them up about cos I wasn't enjoying the job and I've been feeling really down, and I didn't realise that they would use the fact that they hadn't given me it against me.

09-08-06, 19:41
Hi Rossie

I'm sorry to hear about the hard time you are getting at work. Still, if you weren't happy there before the warning then I would see this as the perfect opportunity to get out and find a job that you will be happy in. Don't let the buggers grind you down!!!!
