View Full Version : Scared and worries

20-10-12, 14:40
Hi there

I am a google-addict, which I suppose on this occasion was a good thing as I found you!

I had a terrible panic attack in September, tightening of throat, chest pains, hot flush. I had a terrible thought that I had lung cancer.

I have been smoking for 20 yrs now and recently been to the doc to get champix as I am at that point to stop.

I do wonder if the panic attack was just my subconcious, but then me being me I googled panic attack and cancer and found one report, yes one, about a guy was saved by his panic attack.

I started to feel a bit better, well keeping myself busy and talking did it really as it was mainly night time and when I had chance to think on my own was when the attacks came on.

When I was away in Ibiza at the end of sept I had no attacks, although I did feel odd.

When I go back I had anohter attack and this time I felt cold and landed up sleeping with my dressing gown on. I noticed it was exactly a week after my period that the first and second attack came on.

I went to the docs the other day and said about how I was (well cried). I said I was having irrational thoughts but then afterwards I see sense.

She gave me Propranaolol and is sending me for a thyroid test next week (my sis has probs with hers).

Yrs ago I was told that even in my 30's I may be going through the early change and of course I have googled again and found that some people have irrational thoughts and panic attaks during peri-menopause. I also have weight gain around my middle, dry skin and my joints are aching more than normal.

On that note I have to say I have been having shoulder pain for the last few weeks, which is the same time I saw a bit on the BBC1 Doctors soap about lung cancer and shoulder pain! I have also been stretching more than normal as I have Ankylosing spondilitis and doc has said I should move more. I also driv for a living and of course I have googled again and the pains I am getting could be driving related.

I am just lost, I have a terrible lost feeling all the time

I know I should have a chest xray and see whats what but quite frankly it scares the sh*te out of me just thinking about it.

I also think that champix might have something to do with the attacks but when I had the first one I wasn't taking it. I am currently 21 days smoke free and my chest feels clearer and I no longer cough.

I also have to add that I am a worrier, i tell people that I'm not but OMG I do. I have had bouts of depression in the past from a death and also postnatal. My mum has a history of depression and my sister (the death) suffered with OCD, nerves and depression and took her own life.

I just dont see a way forward.......I am lost

20-10-12, 14:50
Hi hollyhocks

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

20-10-12, 15:54
Sorry to hear that you are feeling so bad. If your thyroid test proves to be ok, then I would speak to your GP again. All your symptoms do sound like anxiety and you can get help for that. I know it is difficult but sometimes googling makes us worry even more. Try not to dwell too much on the reasons why it is happening, it sounds like you have been through a lot. Counselling and therapy combined with medication can help you overcome this. It will teach you how to think differently and manage the physical symptoms caused by anxiety. You will get a lot of support and help from people here.:hugs:

20-10-12, 16:53
Thank harley

I just can't think straight. I should be happy. I have a wonderful and loving husband, a gorgeous little daughter, a job I enjoy, we aren't rich but then who is, but we get by and manage to spoil ourselves now and then.

With regards to councelling, I have always been a pills sort of person. I find it hard to speak to people face to face but can quite happily type. I had a panic attack when I plucked up the courage to call the doctors.

I ay its a panic attack but I think I get both (new to these feelings). The feeling of dread and butterflies is ALWAYS there but i do get the terrible attacks where I shake and I just don't know what to do.

21-10-12, 19:37

That is good advice from Harley. If you read one of the threads by Nicola you will see googling symptoms is not a good idea,but I bet most of us do it or have done it at some time.

Pills is not the answer long term if you can help it ,but you should make the effort to get councelling. spend some time until you find someone who you feel comfortable with.Often it is easier to open up to a stranger than perhaps someone from within your own family.Good luck.

30-10-12, 18:56
Still having panic attacks but not as bad. Not having heart flutters anymore but still feel a tightness in my chest and neck now and then.

I thought I was seeing doc for results of thyroid tomorrow but just checked and its next week. This has somewhat upset me as I was sort of looking forward to finding out the results of my thyroid test. I am going to be asking for tablets no matter what the outcome and see what happens.

Google is still my enemy, even more so these last few days.

I just wish I could feel normal...well as normal as I was before

30-10-12, 19:17
Hi there

I am a google-addict, which I suppose on this occasion was a good thing as I found you!

I had a terrible panic attack in September, tightening of throat, chest pains, hot flush. I had a terrible thought that I had lung cancer.

I have been smoking for 20 yrs now and recently been to the doc to get champix as I am at that point to stop.

I do wonder if the panic attack was just my subconcious, but then me being me I googled panic attack and cancer and found one report, yes one, about a guy was saved by his panic attack.

I started to feel a bit better, well keeping myself busy and talking did it really as it was mainly night time and when I had chance to think on my own was when the attacks came on.

When I was away in Ibiza at the end of sept I had no attacks, although I did feel odd.

When I go back I had anohter attack and this time I felt cold and landed up sleeping with my dressing gown on. I noticed it was exactly a week after my period that the first and second attack came on.

I went to the docs the other day and said about how I was (well cried). I said I was having irrational thoughts but then afterwards I see sense.

She gave me Propranaolol and is sending me for a thyroid test next week (my sis has probs with hers).

Yrs ago I was told that even in my 30's I may be going through the early change and of course I have googled again and found that some people have irrational thoughts and panic attaks during peri-menopause. I also have weight gain around my middle, dry skin and my joints are aching more than normal.

On that note I have to say I have been having shoulder pain for the last few weeks, which is the same time I saw a bit on the BBC1 Doctors soap about lung cancer and shoulder pain! I have also been stretching more than normal as I have Ankylosing spondilitis and doc has said I should move more. I also driv for a living and of course I have googled again and the pains I am getting could be driving related.

I am just lost, I have a terrible lost feeling all the time

I know I should have a chest xray and see whats what but quite frankly it scares the sh*te out of me just thinking about it.

I also think that champix might have something to do with the attacks but when I had the first one I wasn't taking it. I am currently 21 days smoke free and my chest feels clearer and I no longer cough.

I also have to add that I am a worrier, i tell people that I'm not but OMG I do. I have had bouts of depression in the past from a death and also postnatal. My mum has a history of depression and my sister (the death) suffered with OCD, nerves and depression and took her own life.

I just dont see a way forward.......I am lost
Hiya, don't feel lost, I know exactly how you feel, I can still remember when and where I had my first panic attack, I really thought I was going to die, I went on for months not telling anybody about them, people think you are mad if they have never suffered themselves, I went to my doctors and she sent me to a self help group which for a few weeks I couldn't attend as I was scared stiff to go, but eventually I went and oh god I am so glad I did, it was so nice to be around people who understood and didn't say things like "pull yourself together", I went for about eight weeks and haven't looked back since, I still have the odd fight or flight moments but manage to control them, hope this helps and you know you are not alone x

12-11-12, 12:36
Still worried :(

Not having as many panic/anxiety episodes but still have a nagging feeling in my head.

Doc has put me on nexium for acid reflux, and lofrepramine anti depressant.

Will see another doc in a months time which I hope will be better than this last one.

I mentioned palpitations and not once did she check my heart or BP. I also mentioned that I had quit smoking after 20 yrs and not once did she listen to my chest. She did however mention that Champix can heighten depression so I have stopped it all together now and going cold turkey.

15-11-12, 13:49
Hi there

I am a google-addict, which I suppose on this occasion was a good thing as I found you!

I had a terrible panic attack in September, tightening of throat, chest pains, hot flush. I had a terrible thought that I had lung cancer.

I have been smoking for 20 yrs now and recently been to the doc to get champix as I am at that point to stop.

I do wonder if the panic attack was just my subconcious, but then me being me I googled panic attack and cancer and found one report, yes one, about a guy was saved by his panic attack.

I started to feel a bit better, well keeping myself busy and talking did it really as it was mainly night time and when I had chance to think on my own was when the attacks came on.

When I was away in Ibiza at the end of sept I had no attacks, although I did feel odd.

When I go back I had anohter attack and this time I felt cold and landed up sleeping with my dressing gown on. I noticed it was exactly a week after my period that the first and second attack came on.

I went to the docs the other day and said about how I was (well cried). I said I was having irrational thoughts but then afterwards I see sense.

She gave me Propranaolol and is sending me for a thyroid test next week (my sis has probs with hers).

Yrs ago I was told that even in my 30's I may be going through the early change and of course I have googled again and found that some people have irrational thoughts and panic attaks during peri-menopause. I also have weight gain around my middle, dry skin and my joints are aching more than normal.

On that note I have to say I have been having shoulder pain for the last few weeks, which is the same time I saw a bit on the BBC1 Doctors soap about lung cancer and shoulder pain! I have also been stretching more than normal as I have Ankylosing spondilitis and doc has said I should move more. I also driv for a living and of course I have googled again and the pains I am getting could be driving related.

I am just lost, I have a terrible lost feeling all the time

I know I should have a chest xray and see whats what but quite frankly it scares the sh*te out of me just thinking about it.

I also think that champix might have something to do with the attacks but when I had the first one I wasn't taking it. I am currently 21 days smoke free and my chest feels clearer and I no longer cough.

I also have to add that I am a worrier, i tell people that I'm not but OMG I do. I have had bouts of depression in the past from a death and also postnatal. My mum has a history of depression and my sister (the death) suffered with OCD, nerves and depression and took her own life.

I just dont see a way forward.......I am lost

Hi there, oh god I know just how you feel, I was just the same when I started champix, I was convinced they were making my "fears" worse so stopped taking them, I so wish I hadn't but like you say your subconcious tells you otherwise. My attacks are getting more frequent and am going to see my doctor tomorrow in the hope that she will help, not sure what I am gonna say but probably like you I will cry as soon as she asks what the problem is, somebody who has never experienced this will never understand how bad it can be, but having chatted to people on this site at least I no longer feel like a freak or alone, hope things get better for you soon.