View Full Version : teeth grinding grrr!!

20-10-12, 16:00
I can't stop grinding my teeth lately, it's really annoying me. My whole jaw aches constantly with it, I sometimes get the aches travelling around my head. How do I stop doing it lol

20-10-12, 16:09
Wish I knew how to stop this ! Grind my teeth all the time , worst when I am asleep according to my husband! lol . I find that chewing gum helps during the daytime and when driving, always seem to start clenching my teeth soon as I get in my car!. My sister got a gum shield made by the dentist to wear during the night, but it was expensive and she said it didn't help that much. :hugs:

20-10-12, 16:40
Another form of anxiety I am afraid.I do it at night when I sleep and to such an extent that I suck the skin from my inside my cheeks.My dentist told me it is quite common and has some latin name. I know how painful it can be as one is stretching the jaw and cheek muscles. The only solution at night is for your dentist to make you a mouth gaurd.This will stop the grinding.

20-10-12, 17:29
It drives me mad, my teeth hurt, my jaw hurts, sometimes it affects my ears and nose too. I tend do do the chewing gum thing but im sort of a recovering chewing gum addict lol, I try to avoid it as I bite my tongue alot with it