View Full Version : Operation

09-08-06, 15:32
i go in hospital on 31st Aug for my gallbladder to be removed, my anxiety is getting worse as i am worried, draft down my throat, pains in my chest, pains in my throat and high bp and so and so forth, it all seems to be getting worse, my bp was 155/100 the other night which of course started me panicing.

Please someone tell me i'll be alright and i'm just being silly!!!


Ma Larkin
09-08-06, 15:38
My sister had her gall-bladder removed last week. Keyhole surgery, was out the next day, no problems.

You'll be absolutely fine.

Les, xx

09-08-06, 15:45
You will be alright and your just being silly :D

Hay x

09-08-06, 16:18

I know exactly what you are going though i had my gall bladder taken out 5 years ago, it was fine i was home the next day and playing rounders a couple of days later.

I must say i didnt have panic then, but this year i had to go into hospital for an op and i was nervous until i saw the nurses and explained how i felt they were so good, i just keep thinking wow im in the best place, if i do have a panic attack. Well i didnt, and you wont either, you will be fine, if you want to talk to me about the op please feel free to pm me.

Love and best wishes suzanne:)

s shaw

09-08-06, 16:18
Hi Liz i really feel for you!!! I had to go into hospital for an operation last year and i was in a terrible state!!! What exactly worries you about it? Is it one thing in particular or just all of it? I was terrified of being put to sleep scared i wouldent wake up again!!! you will be fine tho just remember you wont be alone there will be other patients and im sure the nurses will help allay any fears you may have!! when you get there tell them you are scared and they will make extra time to reassure you im sure! Please try not to worry about it too much I survived and so will you!!! best wishes kaz x

09-08-06, 16:32
Hun I once read that you have more chance of being in an accident on the way to the hospital than u do of something happening to u during an operation. You are in the best place xxx

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