View Full Version : God NO,When to call the Doctor/Amburlance

20-10-12, 18:42
Stressfull last few days.

Now tonite my left shoulder feels tight (no more that usual when stressed) and my arm feels heavy and numbness down to my little finger, Chest feels tight and heavy have a feeling my throat feels like someone is strangling me feel like I am about to throw-up.

The normal things I feel when full of anxiety, But tonite I have a feeling of fear pure fear.

My wife has gone out and I am looking after the kids they are playing up and I cannot control the matter as I am afraid all this stress is going to lead to me having a heart attack and send me on my last journey in a Amburlance..
Never to to feel or see anything again to be incomplete darkness drifting in nothingness, no where, never to think again.

What do I do now what and see or call the doctor and maybe waste thier time and end up at a&e feelin a stupid pratt for the 3rd time or what.

All this stress and anxiety must be taking is toll on my heart????

I need a cry to shout to scream but I am a man and this is not in my program, I just carry it inside me killing myself from the inside out.

I must admit I fill alittle better typing this but I need more I need the answers to life and no one can give me this.

When I fell that I am getting somewhere something comes along to kick me.

I spend my time having people phone me asking for help to do this and that or to burden me with thier problams but no one ever phones me to ask how i feel or ask if I need any help with anything!!

20-10-12, 18:44
It is not wasting their time. If you really feel that it could be a heart attack coming on then I would call them. I have had symptoms like this before and always called them. It's safer to have them check you over and give you peace of mind.

20-10-12, 18:49
Ok first of all, put a DVD on for the kids. Give them some sweets! Go into another room and lie down, breathe slowly from your stomach not your chest. You are in the fear of fear cycle and your body is flooded with adrenalin, this is causing all the unconfirtable feelings, you are fine, you are not having a heart attack, this is anxiety. Don't be scared, the fear just fuels it. Xxxx

20-10-12, 18:52
If you think it's down to pure fear/panic, how about popping round to your parents or suchlike with the kids for an hour, just to ease the stress.

And other people tend not to realise how much we are suffering as we are very good at hiding our state of minds so don't take it personally.

Of course, if you feel it really is too much, looking after the children at the moment, ring your wife to come home.. good luck xx

20-10-12, 19:16
I would do what Laura suggests, a DVD or game for the kids and put your feet up and relax for a bit to calm yourself down. Once the kids are sorted I am sure you will start to feel better. :hugs::hugs:

20-10-12, 19:16
Thanks. Things feel like thay are calming down now, Shoulder still feels tight/heavy and numb down to my fingers.

I think I have worked myself up in today as keep getting stabbing pains in my upper abdominal today (Think it must be a pulled muscle) and finding it hard to understand my symptoms today.

I know and understand that nearly all my symptoms are the same as most of use over tense muscle causing chest pain and shoulder.
Its just that I get jaw pain on a daily basis and my shoulder/arm troubles are under investigation (have to have tests done on monday emg) and also got to go to pain clinic for chest pains.

Its just when they happen all at the same time I panic about it.

and today before the wife went out was about to seat down for dinner but found myself unable to step into the kitchen as if someone had put an invisable door in the way everytime I tried to enter I felt worse and worse.

It make's me feel a failure, man i could not step into the kitchen how pathetic is that.

I wish i had family I could call on but my mother died 3 1/2 years ago and my dad is in his 80s and lives with my sister whom i don't get on with have to brothers who would rather see me died than help me.

but just talking to you all has helped calm me Thank You

20-10-12, 19:17
I'm glad you are feeling better :)

20-10-12, 19:19
Never think of yourself as a failure! Anxiety can and usually does attack the strongest people. You are a good man but you have an illness that is not easy to fight but you will get through this...stay positive...things will get better :hugs:

20-10-12, 19:24
Xtremx...Please don't think of yourself as a failure because you are far from one. You have an illness that can be crippling. A lot of people fail to understand this. You are better than you think. Look what you achieved tonight. You went from having a panic attack where you though you were having a heart attack to calm again. Most people would have called an ambulance and been admitted to A&E. You remained calm in the middle of very severe symptoms. Well done you :)

21-10-12, 11:14
Morning all, I Feel like I have gone 15 rounds with mike tyson feel punch drunk.

Got a one of them headaches right behind one eye had it for 3 hours last nite and the same as soon as I woke up

I feel rough.

And I am in the mist of reducing my medication under doctors orders was on 450mg of pregabalin aday now down to 400mg and have to cut that down another 25mg as from tomorrow for a week and then another 25mg for 2 weeks until i am down to 300mg aday.

Since I have been on pregabaline this is the fist time I have had a major attack like that were I was pondering A&E. I hope it was not cause by stress and the reduction in my meds.

I am still getting diazapram to take as and when but only 2mg which seemed last nite not to even touch the sides, well i lie it did nothing for me.

But on the plus side it COULD not have been the dreaded Heart Attack!!!!!

Thanks for the support and a big thats to Harley for the pm