View Full Version : Accident at work ...now anxiety running riot

21-10-12, 09:21
Friday at work drilling a hole at high level , the drill jammed . The body of the drill swung round and hit me full on the jaw. Shocked , bleeding , but knocked out or dizzy . Work mates around me suggested , I get to A + E to at least have a X-RAY . Ok I was feeling a little light headed , but was more anxiety than anything else . Keeping that in mind, my wife took me down to the hospital .still two small cuts still bleeding I waited . Feeling my anxiety levels rising, finally I was seen by a nurse .
, she cleaned me up and asked the usual questions , and then took my blood pressure ( what did she want
to do that for ? I get white coat syndrome. )
Your blood pressures high she said , I'll ask the doctor what he thinks, ( hear we go , my anxiety levels now through the roof, but he checked me over and said I was ok , and no a mention about my BP .
One day later I'm anxious , the usual ,headache , vision symptoms , teeth chattering , why is it when there's trauma or stress say during the week , a few days later your anxeity kicks back in ?

21-10-12, 10:31
I think it's because the reality of danger suddenly becomes real, we try so hard to convince ourselves not to freak out over life and then an accident happens and we believe we were right all along to be freaking out. Hope you feel better today x

21-10-12, 10:40
Laura is right, sometimes with a traumatic event the anxiety can kick in once it's over as whilst we are in the middle of it all the adrenaline going into our system is being used, once it's over we are still producing high levels of adrenaline but because we are now safe the system doesn't know what to do, still feels on high alert and therefore you get all the symptoms such as racing heart, trembles etc. I know it's easier said than done but try to relax today, maybe go for a long walk, watch some funny TV - stuff that makes you feel good and safe. And in time the adrenaline levels will return to normal. Also remember that nothing bad can happen to you and that you are safe. Hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

21-10-12, 10:56
Thanks both of you for that.
Of coarse your right, with anxeity ,you can't be clear headed, and be rational , but I feel more calmer now .

21-10-12, 10:59
i'm glad you are feeling calmer, we have all been there. It is very hard to have rational thoughts when anxiety is at home. Hope you continue to feel good :D

21-10-12, 12:30
I fell off a ladder in June and fractured 2 bones in my foot and dislocated a toe. After being anxiety free for a year the anxiety and panic attacks returned. Now that it is healing I am starting to feel better again and less panic attacks. The trauma of an accident does trigger it all off again. I hope that you feel better again soon. :hugs: