View Full Version : Sore Throat, blocked ears & blocked nose everyday!

21-10-12, 10:59
Please help, im getting very worried.
Nearly every morning I wake up with a sore throat, ears that are muffled and when i blow my nose there is bright green snot with sometimes blood.
I am going to go to the doctors next week if I can get an appointment.
I'm worried that its something serious and I also dont want to have an operation or anything

21-10-12, 11:03
Hey, it sounds a bit like a sinus infection which can be easily treated with antibiotics - i'm not a doctor but have had similiar problems in the past. The blood is probably from blowing your nose (at a guess i'm saying you are blowing it quite a bit?) Sore throat, blocked ears, stuffy nose are all symptoms of sinus infections. It's nothing to worry about. One good thing to try is steam inhalation. It will help unblock your sinsuses and allow the 'snot' to move freely - grab a bowl, fill with boiling water (you could pop some eucalyptus oil or olbas oil in too) and pop your head over the bowl with a towel over your head. If you put the oil in it may make you feel a bit 'spacey' but it's just because it's unblocking your tubes! In the meantime, take paracetamol too, maybe an olbas inhaler (or vicks though i think olbas is better), rest too - perfect excuse for feet up and choosing what you want to watch on tele! Hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

21-10-12, 11:12
The problem is I have to go to work tomorrow and also I've had this for many years with not much change but have put it off till now. My mum suffered from the same thing and had to have her adonoids out

21-10-12, 12:34
I agree with Paronoidtree...it sounds like a sinus infection. I have suffered for years with it and fine that steam inhalation helps as does alternative hot and cold compresses.

22-10-12, 13:08
i wonder if you have allergies. i am congested all the time, got allergy testing done and showed i am allergic to dust, cats (i have one), dogs, mold, etc ... stuff that is around all year. if you are always congested it is easy for it to get infected like that.

22-10-12, 15:27
It must be sinus infection which i have for years. Antibiotics are only treatment. Dont worry :)