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21-10-12, 12:11
I haven't had an appraisal since I was last in permanent employment, which was in a job that I hated with a boss who made my life hell - in fact I was first diagnosed and signed off with depression in that job, and was lucky enough to find another job quickly after I'd jacked it in. All my other jobs have been contracts and I've never been appraised since.

Until now. I've been in this new job nearly a year. But I'm a bit worried about this appraisal. I think I do well to keep on top of things but I'm still nervous. It's an admin role, but I'm surrounded by people with degrees and PhDs, full of confidence, and I feel inferior next to them. My supervisor has told me not to worry but I still do. I also worry that my timekeeping will be brought up. I'm usually at least a couple of minutes late. So are other people sometimes but I worry that it's been noticed. I've never been really late but it plays on my mind a lot - I find it really hard getting out of bed in the mornings and also end up showering in the mornings most days as it's so dark at night it puts me off showering then.

I just find these things so stressful, I'm not good at bigging myself up either. I'd rather just get on with my job and not have them but that's not an option. I'm also worrying already about next year's appraisal and if I don't meet whatever is expected of me then what? I also can't keep writing the same thing down on the form they give me. Ugh.

Thanks for reading.

21-10-12, 12:41
I hate things like appraisals too, I know I just have not got enough confidence in myself. One of my colleagues said he feels the same but he just imagines them sitting there naked when they interview him :roflmao: Someone on here (can't remember who) said they imagine their boss dressed as a clown and that is what I will do next time :D

21-10-12, 12:49
Sometimes I try and imagine them sitting on toilet, I've not done that for a while. I just always imagine the worst, that I'm not good enough. I know in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter but I find every day such a struggle.

21-10-12, 13:01
I know exactly what you mean Madgirl12. I had mine recently and like you was dreading it. I am also surrounded by people with degrees etc and I have no such qualifications at all and really feel I'm out of place at times. However, my appraisal went really well. It just seemed to be largely a rubber stamping exercise to say everything was fine and do the necessary stuff to keep Human Resources happy.

If you have not had any negative things brought to your attention since you started I would think chances are you'll sail through it. I think it would be a bit harsh to not say anything is seriously wrong during the year then throw it at you in the appraisal! Just make sure you can talk okay about any expectations they had of you at the outset and be confident that you've met them. Forget about others more qualified - they were happy enough to give you the job in the first place and they knew what your qualifications where! You must have impressed them.

Let us all know how it goes.

Tyke :)

21-10-12, 13:26
I know exactly what you mean Madgirl12. I had mine recently and like you was dreading it. I am also surrounded by people with degrees etc and I have no such qualifications at all and really feel I'm out of place at times. However, my appraisal went really well. It just seemed to be largely a rubber stamping exercise to say everything was fine and do the necessary stuff to keep Human Resources happy.

If you have not had any negative things brought to your attention since you started I would think chances are you'll sail through it. I think it would be a bit harsh to not say anything is seriously wrong during the year then throw it at you in the appraisal! Just make sure you can talk okay about any expectations they had of you at the outset and be confident that you've met them. Forget about others more qualified - they were happy enough to give you the job in the first place and they knew what your qualifications where! You must have impressed them.

Let us all know how it goes.

Tyke :)

Thanks Tyke, I'm in tears reading this. It's good to know that there are others in the same position. I have been thanked and praised for my efforts from time to time but I do always worry that there's something I'm going to get in trouble for! And then they want to know what 'aspirations' you have and I just want to go in, do my job and go home again! I did put that I'd maybe like to do some kind of course in the field that my company operates in, but something short and easy my brain can't cope with studying any more!

21-10-12, 13:49

Speaking from experience appraisals are nothing to worry about whatsoever. Your boss/supervisor will (if anything like how I used to do it) ask you how your getting on, if you need or want any additional training/courses etc and ask you what you want to do in future. All relatibely easy questions.

Your lateness has probably not been noticed, if it did an appraisal isnt the place to bring it up. They are very informal and more a chance for the "boss" to see how their staff are. It may be a good opportunity to speak informally with your boss and tell them about your anxiety perhaps? Im sure they will be sympathetic and will understand.


21-10-12, 14:25
Thanks Aaron, I outlined some issues I'd been having (mostly regarding other folk not doing their bit in relation to things I had to do than anything I'd done wrong) and also put about things I thought I'd done well - I found this part the hardest.

I'm not sure about mentioning the anxiety, I might say that I get quite anxious about things but not sure I'd feel comfortable hinting that it's something I struggle with on a daily basis.

21-10-12, 14:55
Well done you, you've got over the hard bit so congratulate yourself.

I understand about not mentioning it, maybe do what you said though perhaps just make a few hints you dont need to go into any details.

Good luck, you'll be fine though

21-10-12, 15:05
Thank you, I'll try and update afterwards :)

21-10-12, 16:29
I have appraisals every year in my current job. In my previous company, it was once every six months! So far I've only had one appraisal since I've been at my current employer, but it went fine and nothing scary happened. A few days before the appraisal meeting, every member of staff had to fill in a form outlining their main achievements over the last 12 months, and what areas they'd like to improve upon (personal development areas). Then they had to email a copy of the form to their manager who would read it before the appraisal meeting.

At the appraisal meeting itself, my manager just talked about the things that I'd written on the form, asked me a few questions such as whether I was happy in my role, what aspects of it I enjoy the most, and what new things (technologies in my case) I'd like to learn over the coming year. We also discussed my short term and long term goals. If there is another position within the company you'd like to work towards, you can discuss that in your appraisal and your manager will give you some advice on how to get there, eg what training you'd need to do and so on.

I always find it helpful to keep a list of my achievements and update it throughout the year, so I don't forget anything by the time my appraisal comes round. So then I'm nowhere near so anxious when I have to go to my appraisal meeting. Even if you haven't been keeping a list throughout the year, you could always note down the main achievements that stand out in your mind, and make sure to discuss these at the meeting.

I wouldn't worry about being just a couple of minutes late. At my company they don't really care too much, just as long as you get your work done, and if you have to come in late due to an appointment or something, then they don't mind as long as you make the time up. If it was a problem, your manager would've mentioned it by now. Where I work, people often seem to come in a few minutes late, even my manager! But they stay later than me in the evening, so I don't mind!

Try not to feel inferior to your colleagues - as you work in admin no-one would expect you to have a degree or PhD. As long as you are good at what *you* do, you don't need to worry about what qualifications your colleagues have.

I hope this helps, good luck and let us know how it goes. :)

21-10-12, 21:00
Hi, yes I had to fill in a form too, which I hate doing! I always think what I'm writing is a load of crap. In part it is, because as I said before I'd rather just do my job and not have to aspire to learn more or strive to further myself. I'm an admin person not Dr so-and-so. But I'm surrounded by academic types and I feel as if I should, to keep the company happy as much as anything. Maybe I'd like to learn a little more but I don't have the mental capacity for studying.

I'm not sure that there is any other kind of position I could do there. I'd like more money but that's not an option, my company doesn't give pay rises as an incentive! And I'm on about 4 grand less than I was in my last role, which is kinda crap.

22-10-12, 05:16
I'm not sure about mentioning the anxiety, I might say that I get quite anxious about things but not sure I'd feel comfortable hinting that it's something I struggle with on a daily basis.
I think that's the best way Madgirl12. Lots of people get a bit anxious, and it is a good thing to a point if it shows you are conscientious and want to do a good job, it's what they all want, but most employers would take a completely different line if you present it to them as a mental health problem!

Tyke :)

22-10-12, 19:30
Hi everyone,

Well, it went okay! I was really quite wound up about it, and had a bit of a headache, but it was fine. My supervisor just chatted about what I'd put on my form and training opportunities etc. There was nothing said about lateness so that was a relief. Thanks for all the advice :)

22-10-12, 19:35

22-10-12, 19:49
Glad it went well for you :) ill work myself up worrying about things but when it comes down to it, it turns out fine and I worried over nothing!!

Ooh and on the note of picturing them naked.... I tried this once and it backfired and I went bright red hahahaha :)

22-10-12, 21:25
Hi everyone,

Well, it went okay! I was really quite wound up about it, and had a bit of a headache, but it was fine. My supervisor just chatted about what I'd put on my form and training opportunities etc. There was nothing said about lateness so that was a relief. Thanks for all the advice :)

Congratulations! :) I'm glad it all went well. I thought it would just be a chat about what you'd put on your form and training opportunities - that's basically what happens at my appraisals. If your manager was unhappy about something, it's unlikely they would wait until an appraisal to tell you about it.