View Full Version : bot doing to good so panicky right now help

21-10-12, 12:53
seem to be haveing such a bad time lately i am costanly anxiouse and panicky got a dry mouth right now and the chocking sensation is not helping its so hard trying not to fight it and just go with as i have joined many sites in past listened to clir weeks and robin hall read my share of books and they all say dont fight it just go with it but its so scarey you believe this is diffrent this is somthing worse you can sit there trying to say its only panic or anxiety but other part of you is way to afraid tobelieve what yr tell ing yr self any tips any one how to convince mty self its only anxiety or panic so bloody shaky right now take care trish x

21-10-12, 13:23
Hi Trish,
You're absolutely right about going with it and not fighting it. Try going for a gentle walk or I recently found some clips on You tube about tapping when highly anxious - have a browse on there. Try to eat a little too - as a low blood sugar will make you feel worse, is there anyone you could go to see or phone for a chat that could talk to you about the panic your feeling?

21-10-12, 15:42
thanks for yr reply well goig for a walk is out i am agraphobic i do the tapping had a few eft sestions in past yr right about eating i have not slept or eaten well for few days some times my anxiety so high i feel totaly sick but thank you for yr suppert take care trish

21-10-12, 16:10
Hi trish
Big:hugs: sorry your feeling so rough, going through the same thing at the
moment and yes it's so hard to tell yourself it's only anxiety found that out at 5.30am
this morning and ended up taking a 2mg Valium absolutely hate taking them but just keep telling myself it's only a blip.....don't take them often this is only second one this montage are you on any medication? I take 40 mgs of Prozac daily and GP wants me to up it to 60 mgs alternate days.....do you have anyone to talk to I find coming on here such a help and even posted at 5.30 this morning for some one to chat to
Here if ever you want to chat