View Full Version : doing well (hope i keep it up)

09-08-06, 17:37
dear all
i have been feeling really pos the past 3 days no panic attacks for three weeks i dont know if this is good or what but i feel i can really calm myself down a lot quicker than i used to i just feel different about it like im getting stronger and the anxiety is just a coward and is getting weaker- i just fully believe that im not scared of it no more can anyone who is recovering/recovered tell me is this a positive stage? i still have the symptoms on and off all day but i ignore it
just had to tell someone as im getting little bursts of happiness here and there life is good
this time 3mnths ago i didnt want to live lost 1 and a half stone in weight
im getting there***

we are all stronger people after having this

09-08-06, 17:46
that great! good luck

ive been feeling really good the last few days too....hope it keeps up...still getting niggles here & there which put me off for a while...but i think im on the up too....yipee!!!!

09-08-06, 17:54
we must tell ourselves that we are not going back and this is it
he he he
practising my cbt well having fast results havent been to cbt classes taught myself from books etc- do u know how many times a day you are supposed to practise as i only do it when i have the neg thoughts?

we are all stronger people after having this

16-08-06, 19:03
i spoke too soon:(
been feelin really down and no confidence in myself again (i am on my period, is this normal?) i dont feel as strong, im tired of fighting it- it always seems to win, cant help doubting that im never going to get better, this is forever, and so on, its so hard to stay pos when you can feel yourself slipping. thought the ads were working-obviously NOT.
i dont want this anymore, i feel so depressed.
sorry to moan had to let it out

we are all stronger people after having this

16-08-06, 20:18
Hi Ju,

I am glad to hear you have been feeling better and feeling happier in yourself, you certainly sound as if you are getting there, but im sorry to hear you are not feeling yourself again. I feel like you when i am on a period it always makes my anxiety show its ugly head again.

I hope you feel better soon



16-08-06, 20:24
Hi juju

I'm awful for about 3 days before my period starts. I have started to become even more avoidant of things I know make me panic for those few days cos even minor things set me off.
I do some CBT as well and I also only do it when I have negative thoughts. I havent heard anyone say differently? I dont think it would work for me otherwise?

16-08-06, 20:33
thanks honeybee and gabby
gabby, i only do cbt when i have htoughts/feelings too, but im sure you are supposed to visualise/create a neg to counteract it, even when you dont have them. i dont want to do this when i feel ok do you?

we are all stronger people after having this

16-08-06, 20:49
I agree!! Quite frankly I think I have enough neg thoughts that I dont really want to imagine any more!!!

I shall ask some of the CBT therapists at work and see what they say.

I'll let you know

G x