View Full Version : weaknes in both arms

21-10-12, 15:14
hi the last few weeks i kept getting sudden weakness in both arms i could feel it coming on and traveling up my arms and into my chest ive saw my gp had blood tests done come bk normal but now they are feeling weak all the time and i keep feeling sick and its making me feel quite anxiuose .ive searched the internet to see if its anxiety related as my gp says its probly anxiety but there dont seem to be a mention any ware or other people get this symtom so now my minds working over time because i cant find any one else who has had this problem , so now im thinking heart related stroke etc as that wat it comes up when i google . so i thought id ask on here as a last resort to see if i can get any advice and put my mind to rest thk you

21-10-12, 15:43
I have never experienced these symptoms before (I do however get a pain down my left arm when having a panic attack), but I would advise you not to Google symptoms. A lot of the time it produces the worst possible results that only add to your anxiety and does not help.

21-10-12, 15:58
I had this for quite a while when my anxiety was at its worse. It did come on suddenly as you described in your post, some days it lasted all day. As I got better it to went away. I did take me a long time to accept that everything I experienced was anxiety related and used to scare myself witless with all my google searches. I also do advise you not to google symptoms as it only adds to your anxiety. Accept what the Doctor said and start your journey to recovery.:)

21-10-12, 16:21
hi thk you both very much for ur replys i feel a liitle better knowing some one else had these symtoms and i will take your advice on mot googling no more and try and exept it is only a symtom of anxiety so thk u

21-10-12, 16:36
That is the best thing you can do :) I Googled symptoms two weeks ago and became hysterical because I thought my brain was bleeding. This led me to get a medical from my Doctor and caused a lot of unnecessary worry and anxiety. Relax and try to stay calm. All it is is the anxiety making you think that there is something more serious wrong :)

21-10-12, 17:23
Tricia the weak arms was the very first thing that I experienced and led to a big panic attack, that was 18 years ago, oh gads, how old do I feel!! But I am still here lol xx