View Full Version : First night out in month

21-10-12, 20:20
well went out for a few drinks with my partner and friends last night first time i've been out for months due to panic attacks all going well untill we got attack by a group of thugs bad times sent all night in hospital then spent all today talking to police and taking pain killers how unlucky can i be x

21-10-12, 20:22
Awwwwww. No that's horrible you wee soul x

21-10-12, 20:29
Aww Grace so sorry for you :hugs::hugs::hugs:

22-10-12, 11:13
Sorry this has happened to you Grace. It's horrible being mugged. I was on a night out two years ago and I was attacked by two youths and it really dented my confidence. Hope you begin to feel better soon :)

22-10-12, 13:56
Oh Grace that is terrible, I hope you start to feel better soon.:hugs:

22-10-12, 17:16
Thanks everyone been to see my doc today i have to broken ribs told her i'd rather stay at work for now as didn't want to be sat at home thinking about it making my head worse they said just to ring if i was struggling to cope x