View Full Version : GAD diagnosis

21-10-12, 20:28
I've had panic disorder and agoraphobia for years now, and was coping reasonably well although not great. Went onto citalopram for a week then fluoxetine for 4 weeks and they both sent me completely mental. That was about 3-4 months ago and I'm still struggling loads. Before the mess I was very relaxed in my own home and mainly encountered problems just when going out or if I felt sick. Now I'm scared ALL THE TIME! I'm guessing what happened was that the pills had side effects, and when they got out of my system I'd already got used to feeling that way and so it kept on, big setback. Along with panic attacks I just feel terrified a lot for no reason, even if I'm happily watching tv or something. I often run down the road to my parents house but that doesn't really help anything. So my new psychologist has diagnosed me with GAD, and I must say, it's an absolute bugger. So much harder to control, plus keep getting these overwhelming feelings of utter despair and doom. It's a right treat. Im trying a new relaxation cd and getting assessed for benefits tomorrow so when that's over hopefully ill calm down a bit. Just mega confused as to why it's happened- I've been on meds before and didn't have many bad side effects. But they've now made my life ground to a halt. I was doing quite well before, really bloody annoying. Anyway, joining the GAD club, so hi!

21-10-12, 20:37
Hey Lucy, Great to have you on board, I hope you get loads of useful advice.


21-10-12, 20:47
Hi Lucy, has your psychologist offered you any sort of counselling or therapy?

21-10-12, 21:31
Hi thanks for replies! Yes I am seeing her privately once a week, sometimes in person and sometimes on the phone as it costs so much money. year long waiting list on the NHS and I'm absolutely desperate so didn't have much choice. we are doing exposure therapy on my emetaphobia and learning relaxation techniques to start with. Really hope its going to start to make a difference asap!