View Full Version : Maybe you can relate?

09-08-06, 17:57
Hi Guys,

Well, I'm back after a few weeks. Normally I pop in and try to help others, but I'm going through something now and I can't quite put my finger on it. I'm just going to ramble real quick on what I'm feeling and maybe you can relate to it or give me some words on what you think is going on:

It just seems like I'm always worrying, but there isn't anything I'm really worried about. I have the feeling sometimes that things are moving so fast and I can't get off the ride. Like the world is moving fast and there is nothing I can do about it. Whenever somebody invites me to do something or when I'm planning a trip with my wife and daugther it's always anxiety first and then excitment second. I just don't get it, because I don't have panic attacks but the first thing that pops in my head when plans are being made is, "Will I be able to handle it?". Then there are times where I think that over time my little mental problem will develop into something very severe and I'll become really out of it, ya know? It's come to the point now too that I can't watch the news without becoming worried about the world coming to an end due to global warming or a nuclear war. I don't neccesarily believe those things will happen, it's just the thought lingers. It's kind of like I can't just throw away what I don't believe. Everything is sticking in my brain, good/bad, true/false. And then there are times where I just don't feel happy. I start to have a little anxiety thinking to myself, "Oh my gosh, what if I forget how to feel happy about something, what's the point of living?" I mean, it's not really suicidal thoughts, but just the fear of not being able to be happy. I sometimes wonder if I'm depressed and that's what is triggering all this stuff, but I don't know. I also get down on myself because although I have a belief in Christ and heaven, it's depressing to know that at one point it's all going to be over. Prayer has helped me though.

But, everyday when I wake up I just have this lingering feeling of worry, and I never quite feel myself. It's like my head is spinning but I don't get dizzy, ya know? No matter how hard I immerse myself into my work, school, or family, it is always on my mind. And there are times where it starts to get to me and it annoys me to know that it may be like this forever. If that's the case I think my mind will go kapoot in a few years (I'm 25 now). Like I said though, prayer and Claire Weekes book have gotten me through tough times in the past 4 months but I just want this constant unease to go away.

Maybe you can relate?

“If you think growing up is tough, then you're just not grown up enough.” - Steven Page, Barenaked Ladies

09-08-06, 18:03
it seems to me that you might have developed general anxiety disorder try reading up on it, its what i have ,its not so much the panic attacks as the constant dread and worried feelings, mine are worst first thing in the morning, i might be wrong but it sounds like its me talking- i have just posted now about how i am feeling more positive these days -cbt is great-answer those worries-real or not with more positive outcomes
take care

we are all stronger people after having this

09-08-06, 18:33
sounds like general anxiety and just an overall feeling of dread or apprehension

if you read the "general anxiety " section does it sound familiar to you


09-08-06, 18:48
hey sobay
what you wrote i could've written...i started off with panic attacks and am now where you are...dread, apprehension, and the most frightening thing for me is the feeling of losing my mind and control...i have been coping with it for three months and 3 sessions of cbt were an immense help..i still cant change the general feeling of going over the edge and am hoping time will heal..i constantly wonder whether i'll get back to how i was..in a way its changed me permanently and i try and live my life with more focus...difficult as it is.

09-08-06, 20:59
Hi there. I can certainly relate to most things you've said. It's frustrating getting anxious about everything. It's true though, life is fast-paced nowadays and it's hard to deal with. Some people are just better at coping than others. Most anxiety is the feeling of 'fear', well it is for me. Luckily there are things that can help, for example CBT, counselling, positive thinking, meditation etc. It's silly when you think about it, why go through life worrying about the possibility of something happening? It probably won't happen but if it does you just deal with it.

09-08-06, 23:53
Hi Dave,

I can relate to some of what you say. I worry about all things and live my life by the "what if" scenario. It is sad that I exist this way but it is my life. I do take medication and it does help as I also suffer from ocd. I do face my fears and do such things as fly and such and do not limit my existance by my fears, but they are still there - the constant worrying. I hope one day to be free.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

11-08-06, 22:04
I thought I'd share what my Mom wrote me regarding this blip I'm going through (she also suffers from Anxiety):

Hi baby,
Im so sorry you are feeling like that and I do understand how you feel. It comes and goes for me and lately i have let it get the best of me,it is not full blown panic just i feel in the back of my mind like things are not going to be ok like something is going to happen to me and when im like that i look so close at everything i am so sensitive to everything like my breathing to am i going to past out in the shower it is so silly because people that dont feel scared they go about things and don't even think twice and me i think too much about it.
im even to scared to drive and i could be fine and not even had a negative thought all day and the girls will ask me to take them to the friends house and we get in the car and im 1/2 a block away from home and i cant even think straight and i know im doing this to myself and i get so pissed off. Its really hard. I know it comes down to just beliving and thinking like this, If something is going to happen it will happen and i don't care and im not scared. I think of kids and adults that have Cancer and its not curable They don't go through there days being scared the think positive and do the best that th! ey can. Like our landlord she has cancer and she gets up everyday goes to work and does not think all day long am i ok. I know once i can just say What ever happens happens It will go away. It just takes time and knowing that nothing happened the day before and you are ok today.Its hard i know all to well but it will go away. It helps alot when you are happy and your mind is not over loaded with alot of thought's. I get feeling not good when we have to many problems and i worry and think about them too much. You will feel good again I promise its just something that is so new to you and you were just taking by surprise and thats scary. so dont worry baby you will find peace again and so will i if we just stop thinking so much ! and just have that oh well attitude =O)
Love Mommy

“If you think growing up is tough, then you're just not grown up enough.” - Steven Page, Barenaked Ladies

24-08-06, 13:19
Hey your Mom is so right!I watch the world and it's participants with an awe!How dothey just 'do it'?Just breath in and out and go into the world with out dread?I envy them i really do!But if that is the trick to it then that is what we must aim for,the simple ability to 'get on with it'!!Hey hun,i am with you and the others it aint that easy!Thinkin of youand your mom,love mary rose.xxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore