View Full Version : Irrational chronic worry and compulsion

21-10-12, 21:12

I’m really, really struggling with my health anxiety at the minute and I can’t really figure out why. I’m not sure that I’m just dealing with HA to be honest as I’m in such a state I can’t really make out much sense of what’s going on.

I’m becoming consumed by an overwhelming fear of getting cancer – It’s almost as if I’m convinced it’s just a matter of time. I don’t smoke (never have), don’t drink excessively (maybe a couple of glasses of wine a week) but I do eat a lot of sugar. I feel like I’m in a constant – and I do mean constant state of heightened anxiety about becoming seriously ill. I think I might have some form of compulsive disorder; I hold my breath when I walk past people on the street who are smoking as I want to limit what toxins go into my body, I worry that environmental things will have an effect also (I recently decorated my wife and I’s bedroom but feel like the paint fumes and dust could contribute to the onset of illness).

Until recently, I used to run regularly and tried to think that regular exercise might help fend off this feeling of impending illness. I’ve had an injury that has meant I’ve had to stop running for a while but I’m worried that this could mean I’m becoming more unhealthy. I can’t even begin to explain how stressed this makes me feel.

The reason I think there may be some obsessive thing going on is that I also worry about all manner of things irrationally. I chronically worry about the possibility of horrible things happening to my family (whom I love dearly) and losing my job, neither which I have cause to think will happen but I worry so, so much about these things. The worry about getting ill is the thing that really has me parylised with fear. I can’t get out of my head that every time I eat something that isn’t healthy or come into contact with something that is hazardous to health (household chemicals etc) I’m just helping bring on illness. Every ache and pain is a worry. Like this weekend for instance, I have been working in the garden quite a lot and have been doing a bit of lifting. My back is really sore and even though I can make the connection between this and the work I did, my anxiety is screaming that this deep ache could be the onset of lung cancer - and although I know how stupid that sounds, I'm genuinely worried about it.

Please tell me this all doesn’t sound crazy. I’m 38, normal weight and apart from this crippling anxiety, I think I’m fairly healthy. I’m just too het up to think straight.

22-10-12, 01:56
You are not the only one, I do that as well. Just keep yourself busy and distracted and things will slowly dissapear. Its our mind that does that to us...

22-10-12, 07:15
Hello Angelica. Thanks for the post but this isn't just a case of keeping myself busy and distracted - I'm in an absolute state. Everywhere I go, whatever I do I have thoughts about the onset of getting ill. GAD, OCD, health anxiety, I really don't know what is what anymore. I've a small family and all I can think about is what would happen and how they'd cope if I wasn't here should I become unwell...and then there's the constant fear that all of this stress will make me ill. I just don't know whci hway to turn.

22-10-12, 07:38
Hi, I'm afraid I don't have the answer, I wish I did. I am exactly the same as you, I constantly worry about health, mine and my family's. I have obsessional thoughts and some compulsions too.
I have had 2 courses of cbt, which helped with the GAD but not the health, I tried antidepressants out of desperation but couldn't cope with the extreme reaction I had. I daren't risk trying a different one as I can't risk taking time off work. I do take propanalol which help to keep me calm but don't stop the thoughts. I am waiting to join a mindfulness based cbt group but that doesn't start till next year, and I am waiting for my order from holland and Barrett to come of magnesium, as I have read good things about it for helping with anxiety.
So you see your most defiantly not alone, we all find different things work for us and are in constant search of an anxiety and depression cure. Have you been to your doctors about this?

22-10-12, 11:27
Hello Angelica. Thanks for the post but this isn't just a case of keeping myself busy and distracted - I'm in an absolute state. Everywhere I go, whatever I do I have thoughts about the onset of getting ill. GAD, OCD, health anxiety, I really don't know what is what anymore. I've a small family and all I can think about is what would happen and how they'd cope if I wasn't here should I become unwell...and then there's the constant fear that all of this stress will make me ill. I just don't know whci hway to turn.

Dan21 I'm really sorry you are going through this. Have you been to the doctor, may be you need to see a councellor who will help you through this. I have been going through anxiety myself on and off for 20 yrs so i know what you are going through.. I don't know what else to say.. I wish you the best and hope you get through it and you will...