View Full Version : Think im dying, honestly!

21-10-12, 21:48
Ive had neck and off balance problems since the beginning of August. In the last week my head sensations have got worse the more i worry. three days ago i had a left sided nagging headache and neck pain and shoulder pain.

when i wake up my head neck feels fine but as the day progresses i get the pains back. today, as in now the headache is on the right side at the back of my head, radiating to the front. It comes and goes and generally I can carry on doing things

I'm just still so panicked about it being a tumour in my head somewhere, even though logic says it can't be and only 12 people in 1000,000 are diagnosed with one a year but still, i think i'll be one of the 12 this year.

21-10-12, 22:54
I get the same thing, is it there all day everyday? I seem to get them maybe 2 times a week that last all day. I usually get them in a certain side of my head. My doctor said it's due to tension.

21-10-12, 23:34
Well i wont lie they feel like tension, they are off and on most days recently, just now its edging towards full on headache cos of the stress i think but i caved and took some ibrufen. i wake up worrying about getting them now and even typing this is making me more tense LOL

22-10-12, 11:54

Sounds like tension to me, I get this on and off. Stiffness in my neck tension headaches. Nothing to worry about in my opinion.


22-10-12, 17:05
Thanks for your reassurance Sam :) My head is a little better today, pain in my neck and the back of my head but im TRYING to relax about it! I think I need CBT

22-10-12, 21:29
If i have a painful neck/shoulders would i get like an itchy scalp or like a crawling sensation is the best i can describe it, only if im sitting for a long time and my shoulder feels tight

22-10-12, 21:46
ugh.....sorry you still feel bad. I do understand though how bad you feel, today was really rough for me after that episode this weekend. Trying to function today at work like nothing is wrong when I am convinced my heart, or lungs are going to fail me at any moment. More like PETRIFIED :scared15: all day that I would get that chest pain. It sucks to be convinced that you are terminally ill all the time. Stupid. Still going to call that Doctor, and request test, but at the same time I feel like a broken record, and I'm reluctant to call. Damned if you do, and damned if you don't! I know for me I won't rest until they run test. (then I will move on to something else) stinks!:bighug1:

24-10-12, 00:20
So I was reading that tension headaches are caused by tight muscles in neck and shoulders and for some reason that has helped me relax slightly. today has been a bad day though, I was so worked up earlier (I think it was adrenilin) that I was shaking on the inside, all because i tense up and give myself these damn headaches.

24-10-12, 03:32
I think a lot of our issues are tension, and that would definitely make us sore all the time. Makes sense to me. So you do feel better today?

24-10-12, 13:50
could be tension or herniated neck disc, which I've just been diagnosed with...

Was getting similar things: headaches (tension headaches), pains in arms, off balance, and even sudden dizzy spells with a numb feeling in right leg, like I would call down... anyway, all checked and turns out herniated disc in neck... need to get physio.

24-10-12, 14:33
I'm feeling better today, still a bit worried about getting a headache but i'm keeping calm trying to relax my shoulders etc.
Dazza, you have a point, honestly i think its my bed mattress as it is REALLY hard and these problems started when i got the bed in January, but if and when i go back to the doctor might mention the disc thing.

I'm glad your getting physio now

24-10-12, 14:46
Yes, we are health anxiety freaks! :)) Most things we experience usually have very simple explanations... a few months back I went to to see the doctor as I was getting pains in hands and arms... thought I had blood clots .... turns out it was all coming from my neck... maybe the first signs of the herniated disc.

Same for other problems.. I had pains and numbness in my legs once, was convinced of course that I had MS or some other super rare, serious, life threatening condition. Turns out it was a minor thing in my spine, which means that the nerves sometimes give me pain in my legs. I still get them now, but I don't pay any attention to them, whereas they used to really freak me out!

24-10-12, 15:29
Well i guess on my sane days i can rationalise that its a neck problem. I Have mild cerebal palsy and use a wheelchair to go long distances so i'm also thinking my posture is suffering, especially my shoulders and the fact I push the chair with my left arm and not my right for some reason!

24-10-12, 15:52
Brain tumors normally give you MANY symptoms in a short amount of time. I've had doctors do manual neurological tests on me several times and based upon those, they ruled out many conditions such as MS and Tumors. Believe me, friend, tension, anxiety, and the neck alone can cause problems.

- Zigs.

24-10-12, 21:16
Thanks Ziggy, Ive heard that docs can tell from your eyes/reflexes that you do not have a brain tumour. what other tests can they do manually?'
I'm trying my hardest to believe its not a tumour, some days i feel better, other days I revert back to feeling on deaths door.

24-10-12, 23:55
Ive had neck and off balance problems since the beginning of August. In the last week my head sensations have got worse the more i worry. three days ago i had a left sided nagging headache and neck pain and shoulder pain.

when i wake up my head neck feels fine but as the day progresses i get the pains back. today, as in now the headache is on the right side at the back of my head, radiating to the front. It comes and goes and generally I can carry on doing things

I'm just still so panicked about it being a tumour in my head somewhere, even though logic says it can't be and only 12 people in 1000,000 are diagnosed with one a year but still, i think i'll be one of the 12 this year.
i,ve had all that. it,s stress. im not going to tell you to forget about it cause its not easy but just do something. let your mind wonder away from it a bit.x

25-10-12, 19:42
Hi guys,

I can honestly empathise with the headaches!

It was reassuring to read your posts about headaches. I have suffered with sinus pains for years now but this year my headaches have worsened. It has been a particularly stressful year and I am wondering if I could be having tension headaches as well as the usual sinus problems.

I grind my teeth very hard at night as well and am sure this doesn't help. I do get lightheaded from time to time too and wondered if this could all be linked.

I have had my eyes tested recently and was told I have 20:20 vision but of course I do tend to convince myself I have all kinds of other awful illnesses.

Any input would be great ..

Thanks xx Nicki

25-10-12, 19:47
Thanks Ziggy, Ive heard that docs can tell from your eyes/reflexes that you do not have a brain tumour. what other tests can they do manually?'
I'm trying my hardest to believe its not a tumour, some days i feel better, other days I revert back to feeling on deaths door.

If you had a tumor, a general optometrist would see swelling. The manual neurological tests are done by doctors. They involve balance tests, perceptive tests (Watch my finger). They test numbness in the body, motor function. Based on THOSE tests, they can pick up MS and tumors pretty distinctively. Based on those, the doc would give you an MRI or CT.

You will be fine. :shades:

27-10-12, 15:14
Thanks Ziggy, I hope so! My shoulders and neck feel pretty tight today and ive got this pressure feeling in my forehead/ nose etc. I'm pretty sure its neck realated but im getting a bit panicky again. on the up side, the headache has gone today, but i may be back later. luckily i never have to take meds as its never that bad.

I came here instead of Google, because if i google 'head pressure' I know i will regret it big time.
fed up today :( hope tomorrow is better