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View Full Version : The feeling of things not being real?!?

21-10-12, 22:31
Evening everyone :)

Don't know how to word this but it's a bizzare feeling... It's like things around me aren't real and I feel floaty sometimes, almost dream like, i know it's not the cipralex I have recently been given as I had these feelings before I started the medication.

It's nothing I'm worried about its just a strange feeling, like I need to adjust my vision?! Anyone experience this?? I know I haven't explained it well but it's hard to describe.

21-10-12, 22:34
Totally know what you mean, it's like you are dreaming, half asleep, blurry vision, very peculiar x

21-10-12, 22:38
Yes, I used to experience that feeling. Its like sitting on the outside looking in. Everything seems so unreal. Sometimes it was even worse if I had had a glass of wine. Rest assured it is only yet another horrible symptom of anxiety.

21-10-12, 22:42
This is called DP/DR

21-10-12, 22:53
Harley that's exactly it like sitting outside looking in what's DP DR?

21-10-12, 22:59
Yes I've had this in the past. It's called derealisation/depersonalisation. Everything seems dreamlike and unreal. It's unpleasant but it can't harm you. It's very common with anxiety/depression.

22-10-12, 10:26
Yes it's a very bizzare feeling, least I know what it is now thanks xx

22-10-12, 10:34
hi there off all the strange and bizarre feelings/symptoms that comes with anxiety and panic. the depersonalisation is the one i hate the most, i can only describe it as an overwhelming sense of me, me and me. normally happens when im tired and emotionally drained which i know we happen tonight as i working a night shift. although i normally want to scream and run round with my hands gripped to my head (like in horror movies) i normally deal with it by throwing myself into the task at hand and it normally passes although some-one slowly as the more you fear it the longer it lingers....

22-10-12, 17:44
Some advice MissLady - DON'T Google it!! DP/DR is harmless and common with panic and anxiety. It will pass. Take advice from the people here and docs if you need it but don't be tempted to research it on Dr Google. There is a lot of nonsense there that you don't need to hear x

22-10-12, 18:00
Know EXACTLY what you mean hun, had these feelings for over 10 years, the trick is not to panic as they are harmless, just kinda relax into if you can and it'll pass I promise :)

22-10-12, 19:26
Yeah I didn't want to google it ha :) xx

22-10-12, 20:04
For me that feeling is like im a spectator to my own events through my day...Hate it I can see myself just watching myself very trippy

22-10-12, 20:21
Yeah I bet that is very weird for you Greg!

23-10-12, 08:43
Not nice ...But kind of getting used to it and excepting it..When you can and do except and learn to live with it..........It starts to get less

23-10-12, 16:36
Yeah I don't over think it, it's like with anything once you start worrying it makes matters much worse