View Full Version : does anyone have a lipoma? reassurance needed!

21-10-12, 23:35
Hi, hope everyone is well and anxiety hasn't been too bad over the weekend!

I have been doing really well over the past week, my anxiety decreasing by the day, however i still have a few concerns which i hope someone may be able to help me with.

The main worry I am having is the lipoma i have on my lower back. I had vowed only to touch it once per week to accurately monitor any changes in size. If it felt different to me, i got my mum and my boyfriend to feel it to see if they agree, and if it continually grew for two weeks i was going to request an ultrasound.
There was not much change in it at all for a few weeks, so i began to relax slightly about it, until one day i realised it had been over a week since i felt it, so i had a prod and it was huge!
I panicked for a while until my mum had a feel at it and agreed it was bigger, but nothing to worry about. My boyfriend said that it didn't feel any bigger to him but if I was worried I should go to the doctors, which obviously made me panic more!
I decided to leave it a few days before running to the doctors, so had a feel again today and it was even smaller than before it had grown?! The doctor measured it as a few centimetres yet I would measure it as about 1cm right now, whereas a few days ago it would have been about 5cm and much more sticky outy if that makes sense?
Do lipomas usually change in size like that? I am beginning to think it may be a hernia or a swollen lymph node?

22-10-12, 02:27
As you probably know from my previous posts I have a lipoma on collar bone. Am waiting for a ultrasound but have been assured by various GPs. that it is free moving and has not grown in 4 months so is more than likely harmless. It is hard not to worry though and I would personally request a ultrasound if you are concerned as at least you will have peace of mind. :hugs:

22-10-12, 02:39
Hi lo89....I've had a lipoma on my right rib area for years...it's just a fat deposit...nothing to be concerned about

22-10-12, 07:38
Hi honey, as you know I don't have a lipoma but something called fibrodenomas in my boob (waiting for ultrascan). I think they're very similar things. Some days mine seems huge & at other times I barely feel it. Reading up on it they can grow up to 5cm. When my doctor felt mine on Friday she said it was about 2cm.
Maybe go back to your doctor for peace of mind because you still sound a bit anxious about it. xx

22-10-12, 13:05
My fiance has about 4 or 5 on his arms and back, just monitors them. My dad had one the size of a grapefruit for years. Finally he had it removed just because he thought it was ugly, not because it was harmful.

22-10-12, 16:58
Hi lo it's me again ,
Last year on hols , my wife saw this lump on my back , I couldn't see or feel it , she decided to take a photo , yea she had a point, it looked odd , domed shaped and when I got back I went straight to the doctor , who looked at and said that's a lipoma. He then said he'd need to check to be sure , He pushed , prodded , grabbed hold of it , then checked for lymph nodes , lungs and heart. That bit freaked me out ! He then said " yes it's a lipoma and their benign " I just needed to be sure . What now I said ? Leave well alone it's the size of a walnut and made of fat and gristle , but if it bothers you I'll arrange to have it removed,
Well 18 months later it's still there , and surprised at how many people I know have them .
But it's important as you did to have the doctor check it out first.
Take care.

22-10-12, 17:13
Thanks everyone for your replies. I am going to monitor it again and if it continues to grow I will speak to my gp. My doctor did mention that it may grow, it may shrink or it may stay the same size- I did not expect all of this within the one week though! I am worrying about it slightly less now so thank you all for the reassurance!

24-10-12, 20:00
If it helps mine has changed in size over the months. Currently it is about 5 cm. I am having ultrasound next week just for my own peace of mind, As GP said it is harmless and not attached to bone. :hugs:

24-10-12, 20:04
Thank you! My lipoma is not my main worry at the minute, I am focusing on sore collar bones at the minute (ridiculous!) but next time I have worry about my lipoma I will read back over this thread. They have offered me an ultrasound but I worry so much about tests etc that I think it would make it worse!

24-10-12, 20:08
My collar bone aches as well lol :hugs:

24-10-12, 20:32
the one with the lipoma? I found a tiny lump in my collarbone area (I think it is a vein crossing over a tendon) and now my collar bones ache! I think it is to do with my posture and ny handbag mind you.

24-10-12, 20:44
yes really hurts and my shoulder! can't put pain gel on as worry about allergic reactions with them!!

---------- Post added at 20:44 ---------- Previous post was at 20:37 ----------

have you got bad posture? Mine is terrible apparently that is why I get a bad shoulder.

24-10-12, 20:54
Yeah ny posture is terrible, I have been told by my beautician (who I get back massages from) that my shoulder is constantly tense due to carrying a heavy bag and holding my shoulder up when carrying it. Also when on the phone I sometimes hold it to my ear with my shoulder. My back is quite curved and I hunch my shouldersand lean my head forwards. I also sit and stand at an angle, leaning slightly to one side.

I sound like Quasimodo!

Do you get throat pain and neck pain also?

24-10-12, 21:05
yes!! throat pain a lot of the time. Are they connected do you think. I thought I had throat cancer (obviously). Get neck pain a lot as well . GP said it is all down to hunching my back up and to go to physio for exercises to help with posture. Didn't get round to it though. :hugs:

24-10-12, 21:15
I think the throat pain is connected. It feels like a dry patch when I swallow, sort of at the back of my throat , but quite high up. All of these symptoms started at the same time which is why I think they ae connected. I might mention physiotherapy to my doctor as I feel that healing my minor symptoms might stop me worrying about them being something more serious.
There is an exercise you can do where you put a tennis ball on the floor, lie on your back and roll your shoulder around over it. It is apparently very good for loosening the muscles! Might be worth a try.