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View Full Version : A Periodic Mess

21-10-12, 23:37
I use to come on this site a few years back. I use to frequently come on here and use the chatroom as a way of helping me cope with the everyday realities of my life. I stopped coming on, thinking I was going to get matters under control once and for all. The fact is things have just spiraled out of control, or have gone into periods of one extreme to the other all along. I decided that I would come back on, as my anxiety and panic become crippling once again and I am faced with the need to be in contact with like-minded individuals or even mere idea that there indeed are people out there in need of similar support that they are unable to obtain.

The name may be deceiving, but I am in fact a 24 year old female. I am actually from Canada but have came to this site for awhile regardless. My diagnosis is unclear. When they put me on Welbutrin, I came out with the diagnosis of bipolar and was put on Seroquel and ADHD medication. After seroquel was obviously not working for my episodes, and only caused me to twitch and have strange body movements, I quit it. I am currently on nothing but taking Ativan when needed. I am unwell, but as the mental health system sucks here, there isn't much hope here for me in that department. Before the diagnosis of bipolar, they seem to be bouncing between that and just characterological problems and panic/anxiety disorders.

I just wanted to introduce myself...


21-10-12, 23:49
Hi Manny

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

22-10-12, 01:12
Hi Manny, sorry to hear your having a tough time, things will get better. I had a blip and found this site and it really helped. Take care x

23-10-12, 01:59
Thanks :). It helped me in the past so I thought I would revisit it again.

23-10-12, 06:00
Hey Manny,

I hope you get the help here you so obviously need.
