View Full Version : Would you feel confident with a breast ultrasound?

22-10-12, 01:58
I am again going for a breast ultrasound on the 30th. This will be my third one. Would you feel confident if the radiologist said once again that there is no cancer in the breast? I got scared when I went on breast cancer. Org and they said there cancer was only detected on a MRI. They said a mamogram and ultrasound came back normal. I just want to deel ok again so I can concentrate on having another baby. Since I had a stillbirth in January I developed health anxiety and its not getting any better.

22-10-12, 10:49
I think that almost 100% of all breast cancers are diagnosed with mammogram + ultrasound. It must be very very rare that you need an MRI.

I have read your earlier posts and I remember that you feel pain in your breast. That is such a common thing and if you had mammograms and ultrasounds and they showed nothing strange, I am sure that you are ok.

I too had pain in my left breast for months and months. I did an ultrasound and it was nothing, just a hormonal cyst.

I am really really sorry about your stillbirth. I understand that after such a traumatic experience, your mind struggles to get back to normal. The health anxiety is obviously a reaction to the trauma you have. Please try to trust the doctors when they tell you that you do not have breast cancer.

Big hug:bighug1:

22-10-12, 10:54
I agree with Justina. The Mammogram and ultrasound would show if you had any problems with your breast. I had these tests a few years ago and completely trusted the results. :hugs::hugs:

23-10-12, 00:08
Thank you guys for your responses! I'm still scared I didn't realize how much breast cancer is missed and I guess that scares me the most. I don't trust doctors easy, they told me my baby was fine and two days later he died. How in this day of age when a baby is breech and is full term do you rusk him turning and getting tangled in his cord?? I am very bitter and untrusting.

23-10-12, 07:48
Thank you guys for your responses! I'm still scared I didn't realize how much breast cancer is missed and I guess that scares me the most. I don't trust doctors easy, they told me my baby was fine and two days later he died. How in this day of age when a baby is breech and is full term do you rusk him turning and getting tangled in his cord?? I am very bitter and untrusting.

I understand you and I would feel the same. I am really sorry for what happened to you.

About breast cancer, remember that when you read about it, you read about the cases that were missed... not about all the cancers that were found and successfully treated, they are so many more.
Pain is not a typical sign of breast cancer, and if you have had several scans I really believe that you can relax and trust the doctors about this.

Have you had CBT and/or other therapies for your health anxiety? What about the loss of your baby, what kind of help have you recieved after that?
