View Full Version : Does talking to a therapist help? (GAD)

22-10-12, 02:38
I'm 20 and am going through a really tough time with my anxiety and mental health. I have for a long time considered talking to a therapist but I've always believed they can't do anything, that they don't help and the only thing that can help is medicine.

Just wondering what other people's experiences have been, have you found that finding a good therapist helps a lot?

Thank you all! I'm so tired of being anxious and worried all the time.

22-10-12, 06:46
It has really helped me. I combo the therapy with low dose meds. But the therapy has made a big difference.

22-10-12, 07:44
Yes, I believe it definitely can. There are different forms therapy that will help you understand anxiety and teach you ways of managing it and retraining your brain not to respond to it. I was also told that drugs are not the cure, they will help,but in the end it has to be down to you. I tried several different types of therapy. Also, self help books can be useful.
I too spent many years constantly anxious and worried, and I know that it is absolutely exhausting. But believe me you can overcome this. My daughter started to suffer anxiety while I was going through my illness. She had therapy as there were days when she could not even get to school. She is 19 now, and at present going through a tough time, just started uni and realises she hates the whole set up and the course. Her anxiety has kicked in but she is able to draw on her knowledge that she has been taught to deal with it. You are so young, please do give therapy a try. I lost 10 years of my life, 10 years I can never get back, and I missed 10 years of my children's lives. You really dont have to live with this and the sooner you get help the sooner you will be on the road to recovery. The organisation, No Panic run telephone recovery courses. They also have help lines open from 10am - 10pm daily. The help liners are mostly people who have, or who are, experiencing anxiety themselves. They are were knowledgable, understanding and extremely helpful.

27-10-12, 16:53
Therapy definitely helps. It would need to be the right kind for you - something that helps you understand and work on your anxiety etc. I wonder about CBT? This could help you through the anxiety and give you plenty of insight into any other areas you are worried about. Go for it is my advice.

27-10-12, 18:18
I'm having therapy privately because I cannot wait any longer for NHS therapy waiting list is awful
The lady I see is a trained psychotherapist and in CBT to, I have not really done either since seeing her and have just used my sessions to off load, have very hectic life caring for my disabled son and other issues going on, so have felt going to see her just gives me chance to talk and she listens.....well now she thinks we should concentrate more on me and do some psychotherapy which would mean going through lots of traumatic events that have happened I'm my life right from childhood, she believes this is the way forward regarding the DP/DR anxiety and panic that I suffer from
After this was said at my session yesterday I have felt so bad crying and anxious and don't think I can face doing it

Sorry for hijacking your thread Neptune.....I do think that if you can find the right therapist who you feel comfortable with it can be a very helpful to you

I just feel that CBT would be best so I can live in the here and now and just learn strategies to cope with the dp, panic etc and not drag up my past
Would love to hear what folks think