View Full Version : worried about my blood pressure

22-10-12, 11:25
Its 120/90 which is fine but slightly away from being too hight. I'm freaking out about this and I wanna get it out of danger zone please help.:scared10:

22-10-12, 11:56
No danger - it's spot on normal.

Blood pressure varies considerably during the day and from day to day, so one reading is only a rough indication.

22-10-12, 12:02
Your blood pressure is fine..no where near the danger zone.

22-10-12, 12:19
but he did it 3 times once it was slightly over 120/92 and the other 2 weren't

22-10-12, 12:30
It will vary and the more anxious you get about it the higher it will go. You say "he did it 3 times" Who took the readings? If it was a doctor he would have told you if it was anything to worry about. Average readings also vary with peoples age.

22-10-12, 12:30
At the height of my anxiety my bp was 150/110! I obsessed about that for a while. The answer is to trust your doctor, don't use a home blood pressure meter. If your doctor was worried he would prescribe a medication to reduce your bp. My doctor said he would re-test in one year, but was not concerned.

A year later and my bp has returned to normal.

22-10-12, 12:32
Mine was 150/90 or something like that, but I don't worry over BP, but neither did the doctor, so...yours looks perfect to me!

22-10-12, 12:42
Thanks everyone, i feel abit better about it now but i'm gonna try and be more healthy to be on the safe side.

22-10-12, 15:28
Mine is 90-100 everytime and I dont know why.. We should be more calm if only i can manage it.

22-10-12, 17:25
Its 120/90 which is fine but slightly away from being too hight. I'm freaking out about this and I wanna get it out of danger zone please help.:scared10:

stay_gold, I am renaming stay_calm.

Your BP is fine I dont see anything to be worried about I have had mine done in the doctors and its been 140/100 and even that is now classed as borderline.

All this stuff you read online about your BP being lower than 120/80 is out dated they have change it to 130/90 so your are near on perfect lower is better but yours is good.

stay_gold or stay_calm be cool:yesyes: I like this emote :buttkick:

Mr Brownstone
22-10-12, 20:27
don't use a home blood pressure meter.

A year later and my bp has returned to normal.

Cant agree with that Im afraid. Its the only way I can get a proper reading as my blood pressure always goes up when Im in the doctors. The doctor agreed.

23-10-12, 12:12
Hi Stay gold,

If your doctor took your blood pressure three times in one consultation, there are two possible explanations.

The first is that you were showing signs of anxiety, and the doctor was hoping you would calm down (and show a lower reading).

The second is that the automatic blood pressure devices now used typically show a lower reading the second time taken, even if immediately after the first reading. The doctor may have been trying for a stable reading.

23-10-12, 12:44
stay gold,

your blood pressure of 120/90 is just about the top level of being optimum. Its the bottom line that is really important and should get below 90, 80 would be preferable.

If you are overweight, drink too much coffee or smoke that could account for it.
blood pressure varies every few minutes. buy a wrist band from the chemist and take your own measurements in the comfort of your home when you feel calm. Good luck

23-10-12, 13:21
you bp is fine, danger zone ah! Your bp is fine a doctor will tell you its spot on for an adult

24-10-12, 02:05
The 120 part is OK. The 90 part is borderline Hypertension. It is only mild stage 1 hypertension but the diastolic reading is your resting heart rate - at 90 or above they are interested in getting that figure back down. I wouldn't worry about it really as it IS only mild and they can easily get that down by changing diet or prescribing drugs. I was diagnosed around 10 years ago with high blood pressure and recently diagnosed with Hypertension (my average reading on a 24 hour monitor was something like 155/95).

The important thing is... don't worry. It can be stabilised easily.

25-10-12, 18:37
Cant agree with that Im afraid. Its the only way I can get a proper reading as my blood pressure always goes up when Im in the doctors. The doctor agreed.

This is kind of important. You should not use a home blood pressure reader because it fuels health anxiety. You may get a more accurate reading at home, but you should ask yourself the question why do I need to do this? The more you worry about your blood pressure the higher it will get.

25-10-12, 18:48
Your BP is fine

26-10-12, 11:53
Well I have just got back from the doctors and my BP is 120/100 all my doctor said arhhhh (she's a pirate) thats not to bad.
I will check it again in 3 months and that was that.

So 120/90 sound really good to me. Every doctor has a different take on Blood Pressure what may be high for one is normal for another.