View Full Version : heart monitor?!? why

Anxious lu
22-10-12, 13:03
I received a letter from the hospital saying that my doctor has requested me to have a small heart monitor fitted for six days due to the intermittent nature of my symptoms.

In September I was sent for loads of tests including blood work and an MRI. As far as I was aware everything was fine apart from receiving a neurologist appointment for January which i think is a follow up precaution as it is so far in the future.

Should I be worried that my doctor has requested this or should I just presume this is precautionary. My boyfriend passed out about half a year ago and was asked to do the same thing, and so was his father recently.

I do not know much about it and am worried that something is wrong with me. Has anybody on here had to do the same thing?

22-10-12, 13:29
I would suggest you call your doctor and aske him why he has requested this as that may put your mind to rest. x