View Full Version : Fluoxetine 20mg - DAY3

22-10-12, 13:29
Today is my third day taking fluoxetine. I felt ok when i first woke up but around 3/4 hours after taking the pill this morning i feel really strange. Really spaced out, unmotivated, tired, keep daydreaming for long periods of time.. Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced anything like this and so early on?

22-10-12, 14:44
Hi Jade :welcome:

I think fluoxetine affects everyone differently.

The first time I took it I started on 20mg and was fine for a week,then got terrible sickness so the doctor tried me on something else.

This time round I started on 5mg(liquid) so the side effects weren't so harsh while I got used to it.

Now on 10mg and doing ok-a bit up and down, but its still early days for me.

Hope you feel better soon.

Loreen x

22-10-12, 14:49
Yes Jade I felt like this too, I thought it was going to be a miracle cure and suddenly I was going to feel fine, but you go through different stages of side effects but it is worth persevering with but you have to be patient and just take each day as it comes. It affects everyone differently and I did have a rough time and hit rock bottom with what it did to me, but I kept telling myself that it was the medication working and the fact that I found this website and I was not the only one feeling like that helped me so much, I wish I had found it at the stage you are, it was coming upto 4 week before I found it.