View Full Version : Holiday being ruined!!

22-10-12, 14:01

I am currently on holiday in Gran Canaria, and my holiday is being ruined by worries and small panic attacks, I can't relax for worrying and constantly monitoring every small sensation that runs thru my body. Can anybody offer me some advice just to get me thru this week until I get home??? Please???

22-10-12, 14:08
I did the same thing to myself when I was in Antalya for a summer holiday this june. My holiday spoiled and I turned back to home and ran to my derm because of my melanoma scary and she looked my mole and laughed. thats all. You got it? :) ( I say to you these relaxing words but I am so scared right now again for melanoma)

to sum up, I know how you feel, please take a deep breathe and calm down honey because you're fine. :)

22-10-12, 14:10
Just ignore it, and enjoy yourself.... tell yourself YOU ARE going to enjoy yourself.. look around at your friends/family, take a leaf from their book, theyre not worried, theyre having fun, just give yourself a day off and have some fun too...try it

22-10-12, 14:34
Stormsky is right. You have to try and ignore all the symptoms. The more you focus on them the more you will feed them. Remember, they cannot harm you. I have been there too. I let my anxiety ruin quite a few holidays. I dont know how long you have been suffering or whether you are getting any help, but my advice would be to try and make the best of your holiday, and when you return home go and speak to your GP.

22-10-12, 16:20
I think the best thing to do is try to avoid too much alcohol, always makes it worse, try not to get too much sun, heat makes you more panicky, if you feel palpitations check if you are chest breathing and if you are hold your breath for 10 seconds that will help balance your oxygen again and then make an effort to breathe from your tummy. Hope you manage to enjoy at least some of your holiday x

22-10-12, 18:32
Thank you all, and you are all right, I will ignore the symptoms from now on. I promised myself in the build up to the holiday I wouldn't let thus happen, but a small 'sensation' ran thru my leg and that was it..anxiety back with a vengeance!!!

Thanks again, I really appreciate your concern and reassuring words, great to know you are there at the hardest times.

22-10-12, 18:41
Your welcome Oliboy :) I wish you a great holiday!