View Full Version : Will this ever go away....

22-10-12, 17:54
I am beginning to wonder if this health anxiety is for life, like yesterday I had a perfectly happy day, enjoyed a day off and relaxed. Today I notice a muscle spasm which even though it's nothing it's set me off big time again. Will this health anxiety be on and off for the rest of my life? I don't think I can go on like this it's too much to handle :(

22-10-12, 20:14
I've had it for a few yrs and can go weeks without it and then it will come back. It's to nice is it. I think it's something I'll alway have. Have u spoke to a doctor

22-10-12, 20:53
Ive felt bad for at least 4 months with dizzy/head sensations and I need to go back to the doctor to help my chill out but i really don't want to go on pills if i can avoid it i will.
Try to stay positive, you will have times where you feel fine and you should go to a therapist if you want to talk etc :)

22-10-12, 21:16
I can't talk about this problem it feels too weird, I'm not really anxious now but I know every little, cough,twitch,pain I will freak out over it and be back to square one. I can't stand knowing it's probably never going to go away..

22-10-12, 21:25
It may not go away but i know with the right help it can be managed. I know its an awful feeling, feeling on Death's door all the time and so scared, believe me, I wish there was a cure but it will get better if you understand that it is a state of mind. Some days are better for me, this afternoon for example for about 3 hours i felt fine. still dizzy but im used to that now, now im a bit worse.

talking about it helps to rationalise it I guess, You should talk to someone you trust about how you feel, don't hold back

22-10-12, 21:31
I wish I could talk to someone, I'm only 18, my girlfriend left because of this anxiety and haven't exactly got understanding/caring parents. I guess I'm just having a bit of a moan I'll feel ok tomorrow. I don't reaaaaly have any symptoms right now, bit of muscle twitching nothing serious. I just hate that feeling, you know when you have been doing so well and all of a sudden it hits you again, more problems

22-10-12, 23:53
I am a 17 male wondering the same thing.I will feel fine for days, then i out of nowhere a symptom appears and i start freaking out. Panic, what symptoms do you usually get other than the twitching?

---------- Post added at 20:53 ---------- Previous post was at 20:51 ----------

Hey i read you're other posts and i swear we have the same symptoms.

24-10-12, 17:03
Hi, I get

muscle twitching
and pain behind either eye, usually the left one

Molly Cherry
25-10-12, 01:04
I went on citalopram and it alleviated my health anxiety completely after about 3 weeks. I also do some stretching and breathing exercises. :) it will go away if you tell it to.

25-10-12, 07:05
I had a bad bout of it when I was about 19 after my boyfriend had a very serious illness.
I am in my 30's now. I found over time I learned manage it. I just became able to rationalize it better.. And very rarely did I actually get myself into a state of worry over sickness.
I have recently started citalopram for anxiety that just got very out of control. Panic attacks and such.
What I've found though, is that the health anxiety has pretty much vanished, so if you are finding it disruptive, meds are an option. Therapy is a good idea if you don't want medication, or even in combination with. I know it is weird to talk about it, but the therapist is there to help. They won't be judging you in any way. Just help you think about things differently. If your anxiety isn't too disruptive, then talking it out might just do the trick.
I was really against meds too, I didn't try them until I really needed to.

25-10-12, 07:12
I had a bad bout in my teens, it lasted until my mid twenties when it just went away. I had two children no problem at all and had quite a few years anxiety free. I'm 48 now and after my dad's death my recent bout started and I am suffering again.

I live in hope that I can get through it again, however I am currently dealing with some real health issues that may be serious so I may not get the chance to get over it this time.

That aside, yes it can go away and you can learn to deal with it so don't give up hope.