View Full Version : A Hello and little about me

22-10-12, 18:24
Hi everyone!

I'm new here and would just like to say hello! I'm 33 and have suffered with anxiety since i was around 24, although i suspect it may have been lingering around for much longer, guess i realised what it was at that age i'm not sure?.
I've been trying to deal with it ever since and have been relatively ok on and off because i have a good family and the best mum in the world thankfully. But i recently have had a real bad time because my wife cheated on me and left me, i loved her and she was always there for me over the years.
We had been together since school (14 years old) so about 18 years, my world has fallen apart, as well as dealing with anxiety i am feeling real down too know.
I do have one good thing in my life and thats my little boy who's lovely and is 19 months old now (my wife left me when he was about 10 months) and he's with me a lot (4-5 days a week) which i love but its difficult being a dad on my own.
anyway thats me and i hope i can find some help here, i've been reading the forums a while and it looks like a good community here so hello everyone!

22-10-12, 18:26
Hi and :welcome: I'm sorry to hear about your situation but hope you can find some support and relief on here.

22-10-12, 18:29
Thanks for the Welcome!

22-10-12, 18:35
Hi :) I am new here too. I am sorry to hear that your wife left you, it must be hard to handle.. I am suffering from anxiety too although I am only 16 years old.

22-10-12, 18:35
Hi Samax

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

22-10-12, 18:41
Welcome to the forums. I'm sorry to hear about your situation, but I'm sure you'll find plenty of support here. :hugs:

22-10-12, 18:44
Thank you, i've been looking at the articles on the left and they have been helpful.
And hello Alessa, thanks for the welcome! I really wish i was 16 lol

22-10-12, 18:47
Don't we all wish we were 16! I wouldn't fancy having to go through all my exams again though! :roflmao:

22-10-12, 18:50
haha! well i think i'd like another go at my exams to be honest, i kind of made a complete balls up of mine at the time lol

22-10-12, 18:54
I hate to be 16. I'd want to be in my 20s as a healthy woman.. I am not sure I will see my 20s

22-10-12, 18:55
Hello Samax,

Welcome to the forum, though i am relatively new here too. I ve been suffering from anxiety since my teen years and i am already 29. I know how you feel, it's also really difficult for me to handle situations like that (e.g seperation) but just remember that everything needs time to heal, just accept the way you feel now and think that soon all of this will belong to the past. Don't feel sorry for your self and most of all don't relate your anxiety problem to this situation, everybody your freak and lose control with a matter like this. Focus on your son and the joy that he can bring in your life. It's also really important that you have a caring and loving mother who understands you.

22-10-12, 19:13
Hello samax and welcome :hugs:

22-10-12, 19:32
Being 16 is a difficult age Alessa, but then every age comes with different problems and responsibilities. Personally i had less problems then than i do now, but that is'nt the same for everyone for sure.

---------- Post added at 19:32 ---------- Previous post was at 19:30 ----------

Thank you tota, what a lovely post. Take heart that you've made someone feel a little better for today!

22-10-12, 20:15

22-10-12, 21:07
Hi Samax, sorry to hear you are having a bad time. You say that you have been suffering most of your life, have you ever asked for any help? There are lots of different therapies that can help you understand and manage your anxiety. I hope you find some help from this site.

23-10-12, 15:49
When we feel like we have nothing else..... We always have hope.... Its just that sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel. is dimer than others... Im new here too and i wish you all well on your personal journey for inner peace and contentment..... It can be found x

23-10-12, 22:36
Hi, thanks for the welcomes and support.
i have been to the doctors Harley and was prescribed seroxat when i was about 26 and took it for 1-2 years. i think maybe it helped but not massively, after that i was given a few CBT appointments which again helped for a while i guess. I'm 33 now and still have my problems with anxiety which i try to ignore but its difficult too. And now of course with whats happened with my wife i'm real down as well as trying to deal with my anxiety problems. I read things like on this site and others too which is all knowledge and helps, i know i'm not the only one that has to deal with anxiety and places like this make me realise it, but i do feel like i'm the only one i know personally that is like this.