View Full Version : Hi new here, Any help would be great! Thanks!

22-10-12, 21:12
Can i ask a serious question? Don't laugh, but every time for the last year that i go out and need to be in front of strangers or like walk in public maybe the mall or a cafeteria or something i feel so tense and like i am going to fall over now i have terrible anxiety but i never had this fear of being in front of ppl before, i mean its really bad i cant even hardly leave my house because of it, i had to quit my job at the Whole food store because of it and can't be a server cause when i talk to the customers my neck and face like twitches and i feel so nervous and just cant stop thinking of excuses to get away from ppl. As soon as i go out side i feel better but still tense, My jaw starts cracking and gets stiff, and my back and neck are just TIGHT and itchy, my left eye also has not stopped twitching for the last 6 months, its rly little but i notice it, the left bottom eye lid. :( anyone have any tips? i went to therapist but she tried to shove seraquel and Zoloft down my throat to make me a zombie i told her to stop pushing drugs on me and that i wont take them... I have had test on my heart every thing is normal, so they say, I have had a
echocardiogram, a regular stress test and a nuclear stress test, and vascular screening I am only 26 years old but i feel like i am 70 i am so sad that i cant
enjoy life. :( i do drink sometimes not rly that much though, I have terrible acid reflux, also i quit smoking 5 months ago after smoking for 9 years, dr said lungs are in great condition as well and i scored good on breathing test. My hdl is very low though 35 to be exact and my ldl is 104, which is little elevated and i thought when i quit smoking my hdl would go up but it hasn't I Don't know what to do anymore my dr just blows me off.

22-10-12, 21:16
We certainly won't laugh at you as the majority of us are the same! I am so sorry you are having such a bad tome. Maybe you should talk to your doctor about counselling especially as you don't want to take medication. I think the counselling would be helpful especially cognitive behaviour therapy x

22-10-12, 21:34
thanks for being nice :) well my dr thinks i am crazy i am sure, she really just kind of brushes me off, but i did see a therapist for some cognitive behavioral therapy but again she just tried to give me zoloft and medicine i told her no drugs but throughout the 1 hour session i think she said i think drugs will help u about 10 times no joke. So i canceled the next appointment and will not go back to her.I am thinking of finding a new one but can they really help me with this overwhelming fear i get of passing out and or of dyeing , the tense muscles and uncontrollable twitching. :(((

---------- Post added at 16:27 ---------- Previous post was at 16:24 ----------

Also my dr told me to excerise to get my hdl up and i have been for the last 3 weeks maybe for 15-20 min a day which isnt much but my heart beats rly fast when i workout and i get scared. but anyway i would think it would be more serious that my hdl is 35 when it is suppose to be 40 or above, my dad's is 69 and he is 55 yrs old, I don't smoke anymore its been 5 months i was eating very healthy but after the results of my hdl and LDL being elevated i got depressed and now am eating Wendys and junk food again i am not overweight though i am 170 5.11 . But the whole hdl thing adds to my anxiety of having a heart attack :( and LDL was not hat high it was 104 recommended is 100 or below

---------- Post added at 16:29 ---------- Previous post was at 16:27 ----------

Also i am rly paranoid about my heartbeat i can feel it everywhere in my stomach in my back in my well everywhere :( it is so weird i never payed so much attn, Sorry i am adding stuff on just trying to get everything out there thanks!

---------- Post added at 16:34 ---------- Previous post was at 16:29 ----------

And again lol, one more thing i do is i start to think certain things i use cause my nervousness like maybe my soap or toothpaste, the water i drink, the foods i eat, cleaning my ears just stupid stuff i start to think that hey maybe this toothpaste is causing my anxiety so ill change it. I mean who does that! I don't drink coffee either as coffee rly makes me freak out. I can drink a coke though or tea :) i drink plenty of water too. Also i do rly think my allergy to outside stuff like ragweed and pollen has a roll in my anxiety do allergy's cause me to be tense? do i have a food allergy that is causing all of this? How will i ever know

22-10-12, 21:36
They are all symptoms of anxiety. If you really don't want to take medication then you could try natural remedies. Chamomile tea is good and lavender tea is very relaxing. If you are not getting any better you may need to. Try the relaxation methods first and most important...think positive!! The more you focus on the symptoms the worse they will get so just tell yourself "oh it is just anxiety" and ignore it, get on with something to keep you occupied :)

22-10-12, 21:38
What are some great relaxing methods? My girlfriend rubs my back that makes me feel good :) hehehe no but rly!

22-10-12, 21:41
Not drinking coffee is a good thing as caffeine can increase anxiety..best to avoid any caffeine drinks.

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Massage is really good...especially if you use lavender and chamomile essential oils (a few drops in a carrier oil like grape seed)

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Also taking a relaxing bath with essential oils of lavender and chamomile