View Full Version : I'm so scared

23-10-12, 06:37
I have my echocardiogram tomorrow to investigate a fluid buildup around my heart that was picked up on a CT scan I had to investigate night sweats. On Thursday I get an ultrasound to check out a lump they found on the same CT on my liver that may or may not be a cyst.

I'm so scared my HA is going out of control, I just feel like crying all the time and I'm physically shaking just thinking about all the horrible, fatal things that may be wrong with me. I just hope that it all comes back as some benign cause and that I'm going to be OK :weep:

I made the mistake of googling the tablets I'm taking and they can rarely cause heart failure o_O that's really scared me now.

23-10-12, 11:04
I hope everything goes well for you :hugs::hugs:

23-10-12, 11:16
Awww sending you reassuring hugs. HA is flipping awful, I really feel for you and hope all goes well.

23-10-12, 13:49
thank you guys

23-10-12, 14:44
i really feell for you, , you need to take yourself back and move on one step at a time, i automatiacally do what you have done , and imagine the worst possible outcome, and i have to work very hard on doing it one step at a time. i understand how difficult that is.
i hope all goes well for you. try and be strong, the chances are it probably isnt anywhere near as bad as you fear. x

24-10-12, 05:33
well had the echocardiogram done, but she wouldn't tell me anything so I have to wait for the results to go to my GP :weep: so thats a few more days of panicking to go for that. It took a long time and she seemed to be doing a lot of fiddling with the machine I don't know if that's a good or bad thing o_O. I get my liver US tomorrow.

I hate HA. I wish I could just take these tests in my stride.

I notice quite a few people on this board are getting tests this week so wishing all of you good luck with those :)

24-10-12, 06:39
Hi eek....so sorry you're going through all this...hopefully you'll get new from the tests...I've had HA for 25years it's a bugger...I have an ultrasound tomorrow as well..with luck we'll both get good results...wishing you all the best

25-10-12, 05:30
Well I had the ultrasound and same as with the echo I have to wait until the results get to my doctor before I find out. I hate waiting. She was very quiet during the scan and pretty evasive when I asked her about it so I'm really worried that there is something really wrong with me. I'm convinced that it's not a cyst and is cancer I'm also convinced the fluid round my heart is heart failure so I'm just waiting to see which one will kill me first :scared15:

Waiting for test results is always nerve wracking but with HA it's absolute hell.

25-10-12, 05:57
Well I had the ultrasound and same as with the echo I have to wait until the results get to my doctor before I find out. I hate waiting. She was very quiet during the scan and pretty evasive when I asked her about it so I'm really worried that there is something really wrong with me. I'm convinced that it's not a cyst and is cancer I'm also convinced the fluid round my heart is heart failure so I'm just waiting to see which one will kill me first :scared15:

Waiting for test results is always nerve wracking but with HA it's absolute hell.

This might help, one thing I found out when I was getting tests done is that technicians (the one's who perform the tests on you) aren't allowed to tell you their opinion on the results. At least that's the way it is at the doctors and hospital I've been too.

So she was probably being evasive because she isn't supposed to give you her opinion and / or isn't qualified to do so and not because she thought the results were bad.

Hope you feel better soon! Don't worry! :bighug1:

25-10-12, 06:12
Hi neptune, yes I realise that is probably the case but my HA won't stop me from thinking the worst.

I know from the CT scan I had last week that I have fluid around my heart and something in my liver that may or may not be a cyst and I'm already convinced that this is the end.

I hate HA but in this case these fears are based on some real findings and it's driving me crazy :weep:

25-10-12, 06:27
I know health anxiety is awful. It makes us automatically go to the worst scenario, no matter how rare or unlikely it may be. But its not all health anxiety, anyone would worry when they're waiting for test results. Its just a natural response.

The best thing I can think of for you to cope would be distraction, I don't think anyone on here can say some magic words that will take all the worry away. I wish they could :). But its just not that easy. Until you get the results you should try to not think about it, relax and watch a movie or read a good book. Anything to keep your mind occupied.

This will pass and you'll get through this! Waiting is the hardest part. :bighug1:

25-10-12, 07:51
That's awful but at least you got help. Do you have a history of them or high blood pressure? Were the doctors able to find the cause of it?

26-10-12, 02:59
so I got the results of the ultrasound on my liver, the doc says it's a haemangioma which is like a collection of blood vessels and benign so they aren't going to do anything more about that now a week wait for the echocardiogram test results o_O

26-10-12, 10:50
all people having tests are brave; i'd not even want to be in the hospital let alone having tests. especially since the tests themselves cause anxious feelings. so that's why you are all brave. i have my fingers crossed