View Full Version : I feel awful

23-10-12, 11:18
Woke up with a panic attack, calmed myself down. Now I've just got horrible depersonalization and everything feels foggy and unreal. I'm scared and have that horrible 'doom' feeling.

23-10-12, 11:34
AH! You poor thing, Listen calm down, nothings going to happen to you, you know that. Its a feeling and feelings cannot harm you, keep telling yourself today is going to be a great and positive day, and visualize your breathing crystal blue when breathing in and red when you exhale. try it. Get comfortable somewhere and do you breathing exercises. relax your be ok.
Let us know how you get on. HUGS TO YOU

23-10-12, 22:28
i kno the feeling. i'v been feeling panicky on and off for the past hour. x