View Full Version : Anxiety attack? What it feels like?

Anxious lu
23-10-12, 11:35
Anxiety attacks super worried
Does anybody get anxiety attacks which aren't related to tight chest on breathing or crying. I tend to get a whoosh from my heart around my body a kind of overwhelming sensation of heat and fear and nausea. I keep gettin this today and it's worrying me so much that I'm trembling.

It's so hard to describe though like hot blood.

23-10-12, 11:42
I sometimes get this Lu. It is classic anxiety and panic. Not all panic attacks are where you can't breath or cry. Try to relax a little. Are you on any medication to help with this?

Anxious lu
23-10-12, 11:45
It's a nightmare though when it happens and you dot even realise you are anxious. I have a hospital appointment for a heart monitor I have been dwelling over so it's probably stemmed from that.

It is the most awful feeling of adrenaline. The last time I got it I was hungover.. Ican usually tell myself it's anxiety but today I feel something is wrong again.

Thank you for the reply it's calmed me. I'm not on medication for it I have heard bad things.

23-10-12, 11:53
Try not to worry about the hospital appointment. That is easier said than done, I know. I agree that it could be stemming from that because when I have appointments I also dwell on them and it sets me off in panic mode. Try telling yourself that all is OK instead of being on high alert and that something is wrong.

23-10-12, 11:55
This is anxiety for me. I never get the breathing or tight chest thing. My heart just gets very fluttery, feel light-headed and a huge wave of dread comes over me. It's great fun isn't it......... :lac:! xx

Anxious lu
23-10-12, 11:58
Yes I know the appointment is just routine and the doctor referred me its just a horrible situation. I miss the me before all this. I am not as bad as I have been but I want to be fully myself again. I feel guilt as I left Uni lectures today because of it.

Thank you for the advice. It's much appreciated

---------- Post added at 11:58 ---------- Previous post was at 11:57 ----------

Fluttery heart is a good way to describe it.. It tickles in a dreadful terrifying way lol

23-10-12, 12:05
I'm also waiting for a routine hospital appointment but it's still worrying so know how you feel. I'm also VERY busy at work & I start jury service tomorrow for god knows how long so my anxiety is all over the place. xx

Anxious lu
23-10-12, 12:11
Oh well good luck with it all annoying things that people just deal with day to day become a nightmare for us lot lol x

23-10-12, 13:20
I had to see my Psychiatrist today and I was in full panic until I got in there and talked. i seriously thought I was going to collapse in the waiting room, but thankfully I got there early and didn't have to wait that long.

Anxious lu
23-10-12, 16:59
So not long after posting this I ended up at hospital.. Was walking through tow. My chest felt momentarily tight then wham this rush of inner heat and blood went out from my chest around my body in all directions.. I felt shaky faint and dizzy followed by weakness.. I didn't want to go but kept geting the feeling of it coming on again so gave in and went.

All cardio tests came back okay once again they have put it down to anxiety and I feel like an idiot!! How can something such as anxiety cause this physical over whelming dreadful feeling.. I feel death, or stroke, hearth attack or collapse.

The doctor has reassured me my body will fight back which is why these attacks last seconds.. I don't know what to think or how to feel!