View Full Version : Ended up a hospital

Anxious lu
23-10-12, 17:01
I ended up at hospital.. Was walking through town. My chest felt momentarily tight then wham this rush of inner heat and blood went out from my chest around my body in all directions.. I felt shaky faint and dizzy followed by weakness.. I didn't want to go but kept geting the feeling of it coming on again so gave in and went.

All cardio tests came back okay once again they have put it down to anxiety and I feel like an idiot!! How can something such as anxiety cause this physical over whelming dreadful feeling.. I feel death, or stroke, hearth attack or collapse.

The doctor has reassured me my body will fight back which is why these attacks last seconds.. I don't know what to think or how to feel!

23-10-12, 17:03
Oh hun, sorry you had such a rotten attack! Anxiety can be really mean with the physical symptoms it gives us. At least you get checked out so you could be reassured that you are ok. Try to relax (i know, easier said than done!) and keep going! :hugs:

23-10-12, 17:07
People who have never had these attacks just don't know how bad it can be. I have ended up in A&E before from bad panic attacks and I am sure most of us here know that awful feeling. Sending you :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Anxious lu
23-10-12, 17:11
Thank you guys and you are right they are the hardest thing to explain.. I was trying to tell the gp my sensation and I just couldn't lol. Even friends and family can often brush it aside I will admit when I heard the words panic attack before I was like oh so they cry a lot.
I don't even cry.. Lol
Atleast this forum is here for us all to talk to people who get it.

23-10-12, 17:14
I always cry when I get a panic attack...I think I just get so scared of the awful feeling, even though I should be used to it by now! :)

23-10-12, 17:22
Its soo hard to overcome with anxiety. Even the smallest thing freak us out! I almost live in hospitals :))

Annie, I always cry too.. when i am scared so much.At that time, I feel myself so weak. But this forum helped me a lot. Hugss!!! xx

Anxious lu
23-10-12, 19:16
I certainly wanted to cry after it happened due to being terrified and fed up. My biggest worry now is it Happening again as its always so unexpected.

23-10-12, 19:18
Thats the problem, when it happens we wait for it to happen again :hugs: