View Full Version : lucky to be here!!

23-10-12, 18:21
Well I'm writing this from my hospital bed. After all this time spent worrying about something happening to me and leaving my children, I had a brain haemorrage a week and a half ago and almost died. It's been torture but I feel so lucky. Only problem now is how am I going to cope worrying about it happening again etc. Keep having panic attacks in the hospital. I've spoken to the staff but they still haven't gotten me any help. After almost dying I don't want to waste the rest of my life on the damn anxiety :-( x

23-10-12, 18:26
So sorry to hear that how awfull big hugs an hope you make a speedy recovery xxx

23-10-12, 18:29
Really sorry to hear that. I should think now that this has happened they will do regular checks on you to make sure that you are okay. I hope that you are well soon sending you lots of :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

23-10-12, 18:29
Oh hun! You are in the right place and hopefully those nurses/doctors will listen to you and get you the help you need with your anxiety. i wish you a quick recovery back to health. thinking of you :hugs:

23-10-12, 18:29
Omg that's so terrible, but really good that you are doing well.
Big hug:bighug1:

23-10-12, 23:21
What happened? May I ask?

24-10-12, 03:41
I am so sorry this happen to you, and I am really glad you are doing well, aside from panic. We will all be here for you, try just to concentrate on getting better right now. You are in my thoughts!:hugs:I wish you a very speedy recovery!

24-10-12, 07:55
thank you for your kind messages everyone, i appreciate it xx

ziggy i had put my baby to bed and was onthe laptop when i got the worst pain i have ever experienced in my eye and temple. i knew i was going to collapse so quickly phoned my dad. the next thing i remember is coming round, i was in my dads arms, covered in vomit and ambulance were there. if it wasnt for my dad i wouldnt be here now.

its been awful and really scary but im just so thankful and dont want to waste anymore of this prescious life on anxity xx

24-10-12, 09:29
Hi,Hope you are recovering well,I have breast cancer ,not long finsihed chemo and having radiotherapy now, I too dont want to waste time fretting about things i think i have ,all my treatments can have bad side effects and yes ive imagined i have had most of them , its a nighmare this health anxiety,ive said it before wierd thing is i deal with the cancer its the things i imagine i have that fear me the most ,best wishes to you xx

24-10-12, 10:35
so sorry to hear youre going through that cornishmaid, sincerely hope your treatment is going well and you are on the road to recovery. totally agree that actual illness, no matter how life threatening, is easier to deal with than the devil anxiety. take care hun xx

24-10-12, 12:47
Sending best wishes to you Abby xx
I had a quick look at your recent posts and it now seems obvious that something was brewing as you had been worried about eye and temple pain from the beginning of this month.
In one of your posts you were told to see an eye doctor to check pressure in your eye- did you get to see anyone?
I think all to often people with anxiety are brushed off no matter what symptoms they present and it makes me so angry!! sometimes i think they just cant be bothered! Its easier for them to put every symptom down to anxiety when clearly some people have something more serious!!
I think it was spike milligan who said he wanted "i told you i was ill" put on his epitaph and this is how i feel most of the time now, no one is going to believe me until something does happen!!

25-10-12, 05:31
So sorry you went through this, wishing you a speedy recovery :hugs:

25-10-12, 08:56
Hi Abby, two years ago I had a massive internal bleed, I had felt ill for a few days but just put it down to a cold I had, I was sick and thought it was a bug, overnight I felt so ill and then collapsed in bathroom early morning, if my husband had not been off that day I would have been alone upstairs and no one would have come to me, I ended up in an ambulance blue lghts etc and then over the next few days six pints of blood, it was very scarey and I had a night of panic the second night I was in. You will worry that it is going to come back and when you first go home all I can say is you feel like post traumatic stress as you keep reliving it, but it does get easier and they will keep an eye on you and time heals and my family helped, it will fade eventually as you get back into normal life and have other things to think about.

I know someone who had the same as you about three years ago and she is absolutely fine now and just had a baby and she was really really poorly like you.

hope this helps a bit

Janine xx

25-10-12, 09:14
That is awful that this happened to you. The doctors will monitor you and I'm positive that it will not be a recurrent issue. You said you put your child to bed? How old is he/she? I think that this may have been caused due to birth. I'm not completely sure.

In any case, I wish you a speedy recovery and wish you all the best. :bighug1:

25-10-12, 10:25
First of all get well soon and i wish you well. Its only natural that your worry that it will happen again, its so early in your recovery stage and its all still raw.
When you see your consultant, tell them about your worries and fears and request help. this is your chance to speak to the top dog so don't miss it.
Your be fine, stay positive and smile/ :hugs:

17-11-12, 22:32
How are you doing Abby??