View Full Version : Is this anxiety?

23-10-12, 23:10
Alright so I'm pretty tired today and my anxiety has been acting up. Well at least I think it is. Today I had an assembly where they were talking about drugs and suddenly I heard a very high pitched sound. Like a dog whistle sound. I'm I'm highschool so you know how everyone wants to be funny and I just thought someone had a dog whistle app. It was driving me insane for some reason just set my anxiety off or something. I felt like all the blood has just dropped from my head to my toes and I got really sweaty. My hands were drenched in sweat and my head got really heavy almost. I felt like I was going to tip over or fall backwards. I also got real scared and didn't know what was happening and I thought I was going to faint. I was so close to getting up and walking out but I didn't. Now all day the top or my head has been feeling heavy ad I feel like I'm going back and forth really slowly. My left arm also feels very weak and sp do my legs. I'm in school right now and have a soccer game right after which I'm scared to go to because my legs feel weak. I don't know what is going on. I'm not sure if this is anxiety or its not. I'm sure it is but not used to the heaving feeling in my head as this is knew. It feels real tight too. Not on the temples like tension would be. But feels like its on top of my head in my brain or something. I could use a bit of help as not sure why I'm getting this feeling. It comes and goes too which I forgot to mention. Seems like when I start to panic it all happens. Not sure why high pitched noises seem to set off my anxiety. Kind of weird don't you think? All help is appreciated!

---------- Post added at 18:48 ---------- Previous post was at 17:33 ----------

I also got very tired after it happened and couldn't stop yawning

---------- Post added at 22:10 ---------- Previous post was at 18:48 ----------


23-10-12, 23:29
Hello clank... All of what you have described can be caused by panic attacks.. it is pretty common for anxiety to cause both heightened sensitivity to noise or a high pitched ringing in the ear on occasion. However, all that said, if you don't feel right, I would always advise you visit your GP, to get everything else ruled out first x

24-10-12, 01:15
Man i hate the doctors though so i just want to hear from the people on here :\

24-10-12, 01:28
Its text book anxiety. When people like us have anxiety it makes our senses extra sensitive. Almost like we have super powers.

I always used to love loud music, movies, roller coasters etc but I just can't do it anymore because its like the body is crazy sensitive now.

What you experienced is your body picking up on a sound and then turning throwing your body into battle mode.

Trust me, tomorrow you'll feel fine. But don't be surprised that from now on if you're super sensitive to all kinds of senses

24-10-12, 10:45
hiya clank, as leezon said its anxiety the noise in your ear is a symptom of anxiety, which caused you to get anxious about it, thus causing more anxiety symptoms, its a vicous circle, i know its very hard but if you try to relax you wont start the cycle off, take care:)

24-10-12, 10:56
i agree with everyone. If you go to the doctor they may well help you by giving you a low dose of anti depressants, but if you decide to do that, take them for a short term of say 3 months maximum, not like me and others and become dependent on them.they don't cure, they just supress the symptoms. There are many breathing exercises which may help,but they need to be done daily or as often as possible when you have a quiet moment.

I could be my own pyschiatrist lol.

24-10-12, 20:40
I have had tinnitus for about four years now I think. and that high pitched sound wasn't tinnitus thats for sure! Im sure it was some fool being an idiot with a dog whistle app but man it just put me in a panic attack for some reason! Im mostly worried about why my head feels so heavy and tight on the inside

Molly Cherry
25-10-12, 01:02
It is anxiety ! I had what you described although it was bright lights that affected me. It got to the point I would turn a light on & then go into a room. :) lol