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23-10-12, 18:57
Has any one else had a bad reaction to the flu jab. I had mine last night and my arm where I had it is red and swollen (about 2 inch diameter) It feels really hot and I generally feel unwell. My husband had his and has had no reaction at all. I foolishly did what I tell everyone else not to do and used the dreaded Dr Google!!:scared10: So now I am starting really anxious about it.

23-10-12, 19:06
Hi Annie, sorry to hear you're not feeling well. The side effects of the flu jab can cause a mild temperature and make you feel achy. I got a stiff arm and headaches after mine last year. I haven't had mine yet this year but my partner had his done a couple of weeks ago and felt hot and had a really stiff arm for a couple of days. Have you taken any paracetomol?

23-10-12, 19:09
I have taken a couple of Anadin Extra and have put a cold compress on my arm, it is so swollen and hot.

23-10-12, 19:11
I would ring your surgery tomorrow and ask to speak to the nurse if it's no better or you could even ring NHS direct now for some advice that will hopefully put your mind at rest :hugs:

23-10-12, 19:13
I tried NHS direct but they are only taking emergency calls tonight as they are very busy. Will try again later x

23-10-12, 19:20
Okay let us know how you get on x

23-10-12, 19:21
Will do. thank you Bernie x

23-10-12, 19:42
I had mine 2 weeks ago and the arm was very painful to touch for nearly 2 days.

23-10-12, 20:01
Was it red and hot Nicola?

Vanilla Sky
23-10-12, 20:22
Sounds like a normal reaction to me, some people dont get anything. My arm was hot red and lumpy for a week , I felt like id been punched there lol

23-10-12, 20:25
Sounds like a normal reaction to me, some people dont get anything. My arm was hot red and lumpy for a week , I felt like id been punched there lol

So pleased I am not the only one. I have really panicked about it tonight. This is the 4th year I have had a flu jab but it has never been this bad before.

23-10-12, 21:17
Ummmm it was a bit red but not hot

23-10-12, 21:23
I have had a cold compress on it but it still feels quite hot. I will see how it is tomorrow and if no better will ring the surgery.

23-10-12, 21:46
hi Annie my son had a similar reaction last year he was fine after a few days, im sure you will be xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

23-10-12, 21:49
hi Annie my son had a similar reaction last year he was fine after a few days, im sure you will be xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

I am feeling a bit calmer now thanks. Just drinking my lavender tea before bed xxxx

23-10-12, 21:54
I glad your feeling calmer lets hope your feeling better tomorrow xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

23-10-12, 22:38
are u ok now! i can't sleep

23-10-12, 22:46
I have had no reaction apart from feeling I was getting a cold. I'm sorry that you have had a reaction Annie. I am grateful to be offered one as I am asthmatic and if I get a secondary infection like a chest infection I am very very ill. EJ

24-10-12, 09:57
I get asthma too and that is why I have the flu jab. Hardly slept again last night. Have spoken to the nurse at the surgery and she said I have had an allergic reaction to it and have to take antihistamines. I feel really shaky this morning and don't know if that is a reaction to the jab as well or probably more likely to be that worrying about the reaction has made my anxiety worse.

24-10-12, 10:09
Sorry to hear that Annie, hope that the antihistamines help. I would try and have a lay down and rest if I were you, as i know tiredness makes my anxiety a lot worse.

24-10-12, 10:11
Sorry to hear that Annie, hope that the antihistamines help. I would try and have a lay down and rest if I were you, as i know tiredness makes my anxiety a lot worse.

My anxiety is always worse when I am tired too. I just feel so weak today.

24-10-12, 10:15
That's not good I'm sorry you're not feeling well. How about a nice hot bath then a little sleep.

24-10-12, 10:18
I have just had a bath, going to make myself a cup of chamomile tea. :)

24-10-12, 10:20
I'm on my second cup! I didn't want to get out of bed, when I get out of the safety of my bed the anxiety starts. What a life we lead!

24-10-12, 10:23
It's awful isn't it Bernie. I like the safety of my bed too and often disappear there! I am supposed to be going back to work on November 5th so have to get myself sorted but I just seem to be getting one set back after another.

24-10-12, 10:27
Good luck with that Annie. I miss work and hope one day I'll be able to get a job again. Not much I can do at the moment as I can't leave the house or mix with people. It is bad when you lurch from one disaster to another as you're always wondering what's going to happen next

24-10-12, 10:30
I am sure you will get there Bernie..just takes time and a lot of positive thinking...easier said than done I know!

24-10-12, 10:32
Hope so as life seems to be passing me by. I've lost the last 6 years to anxiety and spent the last 2 stuck in my house. I've had enough but feel like I'm stuck in a big whole that I can't get out of

24-10-12, 10:34
Have you had cbt Bernie?

24-10-12, 10:37
I got the CBT4PANIC programme recently and I'm working my way through that. I have a CPN that comes, but I cancel a lot because I have such horrific panic attacks on the day she is due. I see no one other than my partner as I get such bad attacks. The CPN told me the therapists will not do home visits and they will refer me when I am able to get to clinic