View Full Version : Pulsing feeling

23-10-12, 20:30
Hi everyone,

This morning I noticed when I was lying down my stomach pulsing, I automatically started worrying. I am 23 and a slim, fit and healthy person but have heard about aortic aneurysms, now I have started panicking this is what it is.

I know that this is unlikely? I've heard that they are more common in older men... I have worked myself up into such a mess I can't breathe properly and feel dizzy.

Please can someone out there reassure me?

Doesn't help that this morning I watched a programme which featured a man who had one, I think this might have heightened my anixety tenfold.

Thank you

23-10-12, 20:36
If you concentrate on it you will feel pulsing in all areas of your body. You are right about aortic aneurisms in older men. My husband is 64 and they screen all men now at that age. I went with my husband for his screening last week and asked why they only screen men. The answer was that it is very rare for women to get one and also even rarer for anyone under the age of 64 to get one so you have nothing to worry about there. x

23-10-12, 20:41
I can feel my pulse all over my body, especially hands and feet. I also have a fast heart beat, so obviously when I concentrate on the pulsing and it is quick, I generally start to panic! I used to have the aortic anerysm fear too until my GP told me that it is common to be able to feel and see it especially in thin people.

23-10-12, 20:45
My stomach is pulsing too. I actually can even see while I am lying down hahaha :D dont worry. :) :)

23-10-12, 20:46
Thank you, I know it might seem trivial but the fact that you've both replied makes me feel better knowing that other people have had the same thoughts.

I feel so alone with my health anxiety :(

23-10-12, 20:47
I am pleased you can feel reassured now :)

23-10-12, 20:57
I sometimes feel myself alone too. When I ask to my mama for a symptom I found in myself, She looks at me like ''new one??again?'' And It makes me sad and feels me so lonely.