View Full Version : Really worried right now :(

23-10-12, 21:20
Well i'm on antibiotics right now for a UTI, or what I think is a uti i didnt have any tests the doc diagosned me over the phone.
Before hand i googled how to relieve the symptoms of a uti, and what did i come across? cervial cancer symptoms and they mimic UTIs and now of course im panicking.

Heavy discharge check.. burning when peeing check! (feels like im ripping down below when peeing, eeek) this has only happend in the past week may i add.
I spot after sex but i think thats because of when having my daughter i tore really bad the skin never formed the same so i tear each time.
and also my periods keep getting later and later 17 days late last month! docs put it down to anxiety.

Well im just really nervous now.. thinking is this a UTI :weep:


23-10-12, 21:28
If your doctor only diagnosed you over the phone I think you should get an appointment to see him and have the tests done. I am not saying I think it could be something worse, I don't but there are different types of infections which respond to different antibiotics and if they don't test then they don't know which antibiotic will work best for you. :hugs:

23-10-12, 21:29
I am having UTI too for years.It come and go. It started when I was 4. Its really common among women and treatable with antibiotics so dont worry :)