View Full Version : heart is doing flip flops! help!

10-08-06, 06:22
Hey everyone,

I know that with anxiety we get missed heartbeats which causes a feeling in your chest like your heart just did a back flip. This feeling usually doesn't scare me, but today it really got me worried because it lasted a long time. Everytime I get missed heart beats, or the flip flop feeling in my chest, it only last a couple of seconds. Today when I felt it happening, it went on for atleast an entire 20-30 minutes. This can't be normal. I am feeling better now, but am still very, very worried that something might be wrong with my heart and I have some kind of abnormal heart rhythm. Please help me! Thank you


10-08-06, 12:28
mel people can have these constantly for days and all through the day. apparently no matter how frequent they are they are still harmless. i know this is hard to imagine but i have been told this as have many of my friends on this site who suffered them really badly at times

hope this helps.


polly daydream
10-08-06, 14:55
Hi Mel, I had a bad run with these last year, I was diagnosed with slight arrithmia, which is harmless. Apparently most athletes have one. If you still have them in a couple of days go see your dr even just for reassurence.

Take care,


10-08-06, 15:34
Hi Mel,

I have suffered ectopic heartbeats ever since I was a child. The are much more frequent now. i notice them mostly when I am under a lot of stress, eating to much sugar, or have abdominal distress and gas. The best thing to do is go to your doctor for reassurance. I went to the emergency room. I was having palpitations every other beat and sometimes three or four in a row. They hooked me to monitors for about 2 hours, ran blood tests, took xrays,and checked my oxigen levels. It turned out benign pvc's which they say are harmless. With these, your heart isn't really missing a beat, they are just unevenly spaced. The ventricle is beating prematurely. You still get sufficient blood flow. Get checked out,then you will feel better knowing.


10-08-06, 15:37
Oh yeah Mel,

When I am having bad palps, I visit www.resonancedirect.com . There is a doctor there. His initials are RLR. He treated many patients with anxiety disorder and palpitations. He has done a lot to help me cope with panic and palps.
