View Full Version : can't see any light at the end of this road :(

24-10-12, 11:43
Just cant seem to remember the last day i had a ''worry free day''. If its not my ocd getting out of control it's my anxiety. The past week has been very difficult and i've lost over 6lb in weight. I cant seem to find any apparent triggers for this intense feeling of illness and hopelessness.
Im not coping too great if im entirely honest, just feel like giving up, like running away.....but what good would that do? None at all!.
Im sweating right now and have ache's everywhere. My mind is doing it's usual chatter and it just wont stop!
I have not friends i can turn too and my husband wont be home until 8pm this evening. I feel so alone and trapped yet i cant get any motivation to actually try and do anything about it.
Feels like ive hit that brick wall again and the light just is not visible:weep:
Im not sure if everything has just been pent up inside, or if this really is the mental barriers inside my head completely and utterly smashed!
I can only hope this eases up, even just a small bit so i can actually look forward to waking up in the morning.
Im here to really just get this out of my mind and onto somewhere that may be of a help. Do any of you every feel like giving up? Will it ever go away and get better?

24-10-12, 11:51
I have often felt like giving up and have told my husband before that I just want to die but I am so pleased I haven't! I have overcome anxiety before and know I am going through what I call a little 'blip' due to stressful events. I know I can beat this again and that is the only way to do it..to be positive and know that things will get better. I know how easy it is to feel like you just want to give up when the anxiety hits a high but we just have to tell ourselves that there are better days ahead. It is only when we can accept the anxiety that we can over come it. Sending you :hugs::hugs::hugs: