View Full Version : Hello help needed

24-10-12, 12:45
I am a student who is about to start my dissertation. As I have an interest in psychology I am keen to write about the affects on how anxiety can affect sports performance. It would be really helpful if i could have some posts or stories surrounding sports and anxiety, to help me understand and to write something that relates properly to these issues.
Thanks :)

24-10-12, 12:50
I am a 54 year old woman and have had anxiety for most of my life. PE was a nightmare for me at school. I hated team sports and was always the last one to be picked for a team. I had no confidence in myself. In fact I think my dislike of sports increased my anxiety. I enjoyed walking in the countryside, hiking etc but not team sports. Due to falling in a swimming pool at the age of 7 I have had a fear of water. This was made worse by a PE teacher who forced me to jump into the pool and the dragged me round the pool with a rubber ring on me tied to a rope!

24-10-12, 12:55
Hi RSB1990

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

24-10-12, 13:38
Thank you for your welcome:)

24-10-12, 13:42
Welcome to the forums. Annie - your experiences about PE and sport are so similar to mine I could've written that post myself! It was my least favourite subject at school, and I never did well at swimming either -I only just managed my 10 metre certificate and was too anxious to go any further as it would've involved swimming through the deep end!

24-10-12, 15:34
Sparkle I tried to learn to swim again when I was 40 and managed a width in the shallow end but have never swam again since...I just find it so scary.