View Full Version : news makes me feel panicky

10-08-06, 08:15
This mornings news about the attempted plot to blow up 20 planes has made me feel nervous, my parents are due to fly back Saturday on my birthday and I cant help but worry.
Trouble is the news arnt giving too much away at the moment....
I told myself I wouldnt watch the news anymore but they showed it gmtv:(


marie ross
10-08-06, 08:21
Hi Mirry,

I've been watching it as well........I know its hard to do - but please don't worry, the security services have found out whats happening and are doing everything in their power to ensure that nothing will happen.

From what i've been hearing, your not allowed to take any hand luggage at all in the cabin, or bottles or anything bigger than a passport.

Hope that your parents had a good holiday and you'll see them safe and sound on Saturday!!

Oh, have a really good birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take care.

Marie XXX

10-08-06, 10:07
Hi Mirry, I'm feeling a little nervous too, I'm due to fly in a couple of weeks, but i know that it being handled by security so i just have to trust that it'll be even safer now!

Take care

'This too will pass'

10-08-06, 11:56
My girlfriend is operating a BA flight to Chicago from Heathrow right now. I've literally just taken a call from her to say they are boarding passengers and are about to fly.

Some crew are a bit freaked out at the moment because the first few people to board have Muslim headscarves on.

I'm not happy about her going but I can only hope that in one way it's the safest time to fly as security is the tightest it's ever going to be.

We are also due to fly on the 19th.

What can you do? Not alot really.

10-08-06, 12:21
I am due to fly next week and I already have a severe problem about flying. My anxiety levels are going through the roof as if they were not bad already.


10-08-06, 14:14
Hi there, i think, any news of this type freaks everyone out a little. My daughter is due to fly out on saturday and to be honest we are both more worried about the long delays and having no munchies on the plan than anything else. I would think at present the security is at all time high, so very safe to fly? Sorry if not helping here but take me to sainsbury and i can't queue, tell me something like this and i cope admirally. don't mean to be flippant. xxjean

10-08-06, 17:01

this is the kind of thing that has me totally freaked. I'm not due to fly anywhere, but my friend is in America just now and will need to come home at some point. As the details of what the terrorists had planned come out and the potential effects, my anxiety levels are getting higher and higher.

I just cant believe anyone would want to inflict this kind of horror on the world, on fellow human beings.

Unfortunatley my hubbys a news freak and has sky news on as we speak. Thankfully hes going to work soon.

take care all

Coni X

10-08-06, 17:36
I am due to fly to Egypt early hours of Monday morning and I am past myself, i hate flying anyway and I had to cancel Egypt last year due to bombing of my resort, I feel Im not supposed to be going , but like my friend and others on here have said, now is the safest time to fly!!!