View Full Version : Hello all

24-10-12, 14:58
Hello, Iam a 30(ish) year old man, and have been living (i use that term lightly) with anxiety for over 15years now, when it started I felt it was easier to cope with, but now not only have I not left my house for nearlly 3 years, Iam struggling when people come to my house including family and freinds.I have 4 wonderful kids, but feel as though Iam not doing them any favours since I cant take them anywhere or atch them playing football ect, Ive been on all kinds of different tablets, and Iam currenty (still) waiting to see another therapyst, I think cbt, but that could be early next year, if Iam lucky, My doctor has put me on propranolol I never like taking tablets and Iam very anxious about taking these, mainly because of the dose Iam to start from, 80mg, I know someone on these and they have a meger (in comparisson) 10mg twice a day. Iam currently still on Mirtazapine, as they do help me sleep and stay asleep, I still have horrible dreams, but I consider that the lesser of 2 evils.

Just like to say hi, and that I've never done anything like this before, but I think its time I tried to get help anywhere I possibly can, considering that time of year is drawing closer, and familys do love to spring surprise visits around this time, not that Iam Scrudge, but Iam not a big fan of xmas anymore.

24-10-12, 15:08
Hi B100D

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

24-10-12, 15:45
Hi :welcome:

24-10-12, 17:22
Hello B100D, welcome.

I know what you mean about being housebound, however I have been able to go out now and again with a friend or with the CBT therapist, it has been getting easier each time I do. Maybe when you get a new therapist they may start introducing trips out, when I say trips it may just mean walking to the garden gate or to the end of the street at first. I'm sure you will overcome some of your fears and anxieties with help and a lot of determination.
You are amongst like minded people on here who understand much of what you are feeling and going through. I have found the website and in particular its members, to be a great comfort, everyone is so friendly and supportive, I'm sure you'll feel the same way.
Take care :)

24-10-12, 18:09
:welcome: hi lots of help and support here xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

25-10-12, 16:53
Thanks for all the supportive messages, I felt alot better just telling people here what I live with everyday. It's always nice to know your not alone, so thanks again :)

25-10-12, 19:17
Welcome :)
I'm in the sameboat as you, housebound and dislike leaving my safetyzone (home) and hate people invading it! I haven't left my home in 2 years. Your not alone Hun x

25-10-12, 21:46
Welcome to the forums! :)

25-10-12, 21:54

I am twice your age but have identical symptoms and more. I got complacent when this started 30 years ago. I had all sorts of help but didn't push myself.
Don't fall into the same trap that I did. I accepted my illness but didn't really make the effort to get better.