View Full Version : Cant seem to pick myself up

24-10-12, 15:58
Hey guys. Ive hit a low point with my anxiety and its really not getting any better. I was fine for just over a year then around 3 months ago I started getting panic attacks again, so bad I didnt leave the house for a few weeks.
I started to pull myself together again but I feel stuck in this horrible place of anxiety thats not really bad but I cant push myself to get rid of it again like I have done before.
I'm at stay at home mum but my daughter who is 5, just started school, I have no luck finding work so I'm at home all day, everyday. My friends (there isnt many) either live miles away or work alot so I never see them, I have no family around me and my boyfriend just broke up with me.
I have just hit a low point of being alone everyday, I never go out anywhere, I get anxious about going out and leaving the house. I just feel stuck in this horrible place.
Anyone experienced similar?

24-10-12, 16:06
Hi Do you think your daughter starting school may have been a trigger for your anxiety? It is not easy being on your own especially when you get anxious about leaving the house. Just take it in small steps. How about asking if you could help in your daughters school, maybe go to listen to children read for an hour a week to start with?

24-10-12, 16:13
i totaly understand. iv always been ok to leave the house but it do,s make u like that...if u want to talk anytime just talk bout anythin? i don,t mind.

24-10-12, 21:04
No, Ive had anxiety for 10 years on and off, Ive just always been around people. Me and my daughters dad broke up over a year ago and its just been me and my daughter since, now me and my boyfriend broke up which hasnt helped at all, I just feel awful.
I think being on my own all the time I think too much about everything, I do need to go out but I work myself up about it and then its not a pleasant experience.

24-10-12, 21:10
A break up in a relationship is never easy so it is understandable what you are going through at the moment. Have you considered counselling?