View Full Version : Can anxiety make you feel drained?

10-08-06, 09:36
My anxiety has been getting at me again the last week or so, worrying about my sinus infection has caused it, grrr.

I have felt tense alot and the last few days ive felt tired beyond belief, headache all down the back of my head into shoulders and weak in my legs when I walk.

Are these anxiety symptoms? I have myself worrying about the headache, how tired I am and about my legs being weak, lol!


10-08-06, 10:51
Hi Jem
The week before last my social anxiety kicked in big time and I could've slept for England!!
I don't know whether it was my mind's/body's way of trying to shut out what was happening but I'd certainly not done anything physically exhausting to warrant it!


10-08-06, 11:41
this is just how i feel at the minute and a flu feeling

anxiety definitely makes us feel tired, have you read claire weekes book " self help for your nerves" which talks of this tiredness and what causes it

take care


10-08-06, 13:33
Me too. I can get so so tired quite suddenly and its just nervous exhaustion - but I can't actually sleep!

I have been quite drained this morning, and the only way I can pick up is to force myself to be a bit more active which is actually less exhausting!



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

10-08-06, 14:41
Thank you all,
My mum has a virus so I might have that, she has a temp, weak legs, headache, tiredness etc... but she is alot worse and full of cold, im not like that im just very very tired, weak in my thighs, heachache all down back of head and just generally feel awful. So think may of caught it but with my anxiety being bad in the last week it could also be my anxiety.

11-08-06, 12:40
Hi, I to have these symptoms occasionally, headaches that run from the back of the head to the neck and shoulders. Weakness in my legs etc. All down to stress and anxiety. I have suffered with anxiety all my adult life and have come to recognise the many symptoms that come with it. Stress and tension will show in the neck and shoulders which will then lead to tension headaches.


11-08-06, 20:23
Thanks, thats exactly how I feel but also very very drained/tired, anxiety is awful isn't it.
Jem x