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24-10-12, 20:40
I have been slowly trying to come to terms with all the symptoms I have, shortness of breath, palp, chest tightness etc.. However, there is one strange symptom I have and I was wondering if anyone had any theories.

Basically, I believe I have been overbreathing and forcing in inhalation. When I do a strong inhale, I feel something move in my upper chest (a little lower than the junction of my collarbones). It's so quick that I can't tell if it's a palp or not. I have also felt it in my right upper chest. It's hard to tell if it's painful or just uncomfortable, but I would say it is on the border of discomfort to pain. What do you guys think?

Again, I have had an ECG, chest x-ray, blood work and repeatedly visited my doctor who says I have no further need for testing.

I can deal with the palps but this is just very strange...

As always, your thoughts are appreciated. :)

24-10-12, 21:17
That's a common symptom for us anxiety sufferers. What it sounds like is just your muscles in your chest that are tighten as a result of anxiety/panic or it may be related to gastric symptoms like an upset upper stomach.

Since it sounds like your doctor gave you the all clear, I would then not give creditability to it and just take it as just another pesky anxiety symptom that can be manageable. My rule of thumb is to remember that physical symptoms are only exaggerations of normal bodily stress and cannot harm you. Unpleasant yes, but it will go away in time.